Closed blankers closed 12 years ago
Found that this is an issue for me too after upgrading from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 to fix an issue with using IN SubQuery with Paged but production server seemed to still be having the issue in 2.2.0
I don't have R2 to see what the DatabaseVersion response is, but I'm assuming it will be an issue for that too. I think suggested resolution 1 or similar needs to be used or this will continue to re-occur when updates are released by MS.
Pulled latest code as of 9-1-2010 from GitHub and used suggested replacement in IsSql2008() by Mark M at
This seems to be the best resolution as it should match all versions of SQL Server 2008.
Tested update with my web application and it resolved the problem.
public static bool IsSql2008(DataProvider provider)
return provider.DatabaseVersion.Contains("SQL Server 2008");
Just forked the source and committed back to the master. Should be included in source shortly. This issue is duplicated in issue 8 as well.
Problem: In Utitlity.cs, SubSonic.Utilities.IsSql2008() tests for provider.DatabaseVersion using the following logic at line 199:
You will obviously fail this test if your provider.DatabaseVersion == "Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP1) - 10.0.2531.0". And then you'll end up using the AnsiSqlGenerator.
Resolution: 1) return provider.DatabaseVersion.IndexOf("2008 ") > -1 ; or 2) return provider.DatabaseVersion.IndexOf("2008 - 10.") > -1 || provider.DatabaseVersion.IndexOf("2008 (RTM) - 10.") > -1 || provider.DatabaseVersion.IndexOf("2008 (SP1) - 10.") > -1 ;