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add micro squid helm chart #304

Closed DaMandal0rian closed 1 month ago

DaMandal0rian commented 2 months ago




Changes walkthrough

Relevant files
Configuration changes
22 files
Add Helm Template Helpers for Rewards Squid                           

  • Added Helm template helpers for defining chart metadata and labels.
  • Included definitions for chart name, labels, and service account
  • +60/-0   
    Initialize Helm Ignore File for Rewards Squid                       

  • Created a .helmignore file to specify patterns to ignore during Helm
  • +23/-0   
    Setup Chart Metadata for Rewards Squid                                     

  • Set up basic metadata for the Rewards Squid Helm chart.
  • Defined the chart as an application with versioning details.
  • +24/-0   
    Configure Environment Variables for Rewards Squid               

  • Configured environment variables for database and network endpoints.
  • +8/-0     
    Define ClusterIssuer for SSL Certificate Management           

  • Defined a ClusterIssuer for managing SSL certificates via Let's
  • +20/-0   
    Setup ClusterRoles and Bindings for Rewards Squid               

  • Created ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding configurations for access
  • +55/-0   
    Configure PostgreSQL Settings via ConfigMap                           

    explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/configmap.yaml - Configured a ConfigMap for PostgreSQL settings.
    Add Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Configuration                           

  • Added HorizontalPodAutoscaler configuration for scaling based on CPU
    and memory usage.
  • +46/-0   
    Setup Ingress Configuration for External Access                   

    explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/ingress.yaml - Configured Ingress for external access, including TLS settings.
    Define LoadBalancer Service for Traffic Management             

    explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/loadbal-svc.yaml - Defined a LoadBalancer service for handling incoming traffic.
    Create Namespace for Rewards Squid Application                     

    explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/namespace.yaml - Created a Kubernetes namespace for the Rewards Squid application.
    Detailed PostgreSQL Configuration via ConfigMap                   

    explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/postgres-configmap.yaml - Configured PostgreSQL with detailed settings via a ConfigMap.
    Setup Persistent Volume for Data Storage                                 

  • Setup PersistentVolume for data storage with specific access modes and
  • +15/-0   
    Define Persistent Volume Claim for Storage                             

  • Defined PersistentVolumeClaim for persistent data storage
  • +17/-0   
    Establish Resource Quotas in Namespace                                     

    explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/quota.yaml - Established resource quotas for CPU and memory in the namespace.
    Configure Roles and Role Bindings for Operational Permissions

  • Configured various roles and role bindings for different operational
  • +141/-0 
    Secure PostgreSQL Credentials with Kubernetes Secrets       

    explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/secrets.yaml - Created secrets for securely storing PostgreSQL credentials.
    Define Kubernetes Service for Application Access                 

    explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/service.yaml - Defined a Kubernetes service for the Rewards Squid application.
    Create Service Accounts for Operational Roles                       

  • Created service accounts for different operational roles within the
  • +21/-0   
    Configure StatefulSet for Application Components                 

  • Configured a StatefulSet for managing stateful application components.

  • +168/-0 
    Define StorageClass for Kubernetes Storage Management       

    explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/storageclass.yaml - Defined a StorageClass for managing storage in Kubernetes.
    Set Default Values for Rewards Squid Helm Chart                   

  • Set default values for the Helm chart, including image repositories,
    service configurations, and resource limits.
  • +178/-0 
    1 files
    Add Access Instructions to Helm NOTES for Rewards Squid   

  • Provided instructions on how to access the deployed application based
    on service type.
  • +22/-0   

    ✨ PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Description updated to latest commit (

    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Review

    ⏱️ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 4, due to the extensive changes across multiple Kubernetes resources including configurations, roles, and deployment strategies. The PR introduces a new Helm chart which requires careful validation of templates and values to ensure they are correctly set up and do not introduce security or operational issues.
    πŸ§ͺ Relevant tests No
    πŸ” Possible issues Possible Security Concern: The PR includes sensitive data handling, especially in `templates/secrets.yaml` where database credentials are managed. If not properly secured, this could lead to unauthorized access.
    Configuration Concern: The PR sets up various configurations and environment variables (like in `templates/statefulset.yaml` and `config/explorer-env-file`). Misconfigurations here could lead to application failures or security vulnerabilities.
    πŸ”’ Security concerns - Sensitive Information Exposure: The handling of PostgreSQL credentials in `templates/secrets.yaml` needs to ensure encryption and restricted access to avoid exposure.
    Code feedback:
    relevant fileexplorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/secrets.yaml
    suggestion       Ensure that the base64 encoding for secrets is securely handled and consider implementing more secure secret management practices. [important]
    relevant linePOSTGRES_PASSWORD: {{ .Values.postgres.postgresPassword | b64enc}}

    relevant fileexplorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/statefulset.yaml
    suggestion       Verify the environment variables for database connections are correctly sourced from secrets or config maps to avoid hardcoding sensitive information. [important]
    relevant line- name: POSTGRES_PASSWORD

    relevant fileexplorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/ingress.yaml
    suggestion       Review the ingress configuration to ensure that the TLS secrets and host configurations align with security best practices, especially in production environments. [important]
    relevant linesecretName: {{ .Values.ingress.tls.secretName | quote }}

    relevant fileexplorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/configmap.yaml
    suggestion       Ensure that the configuration parameters like `POSTGRES_PORT` and `POSTGRES_HOST` are validated to prevent misconfigurations that could lead to service disruptions. [medium]
    relevant linePOSTGRES_PORT: {{ .Values.postgres.postgresPort }}

    ✨ Review tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `review` tool scans the PR code changes, and generates a PR review which includes several types of feedbacks, such as possible PR issues, security threats and relevant test in the PR. More feedbacks can be [added]( by configuring the tool. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on any PR. - When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the review tool (`pr_reviewer` section), use the following template: ``` /review --pr_reviewer.some_config1=... --pr_reviewer.some_config2=... ``` - With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_reviewer] some_config1=... some_config2=... ``` See the review [usage page]( for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.
    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Code Suggestions

    Best practice
    Use consistent and clear naming conventions for Helm templates. ___ **It's a best practice to use a consistent naming convention for Helm templates. The
    template name should be prefixed with the chart name to avoid conflicts
    and improve clarity when this chart is used as a dependency.** [explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/_helpers.tpl [4]]( ```diff -{{- define "" -}} +{{- define "rewards-squid.chart-name" -}} ```
    Improve security by specifying the API group explicitly in role definitions. ___ **Consider using a more specific apiGroups instead of [""] which defaults to the core API
    group. This will make the permissions more explicit and can help in maintaining security
    best practices.** [explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/roles.yaml [7-9]]( ```diff -- apiGroups: [""] +- apiGroups: ["core"] resources: ["pods"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"] ```
    Specify the apiGroup in roleRef to target the correct API group. ___ **To enhance security, specify the apiGroup for the roleRef in the ClusterRoleBinding to
    ensure it targets the correct API group, especially when custom roles or extensions are
    used.** [explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/clusterroles.yaml [12-14]]( ```diff roleRef: kind: ClusterRole name: secret-reader + apiGroup: ```
    Use HTTPS by default in ingress rules to enhance security. ___ **To improve the security of your Helm chart, consider using HTTPS for all ingress rules by
    default, especially if sensitive data is handled.** [explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/ingress.yaml [5]]( ```diff -http{{ if $.Values.ingress.tls }}s{{ end }}://{{ $ }}{{ .path }} +https://{{ $ }}{{ .path }} ```
    Reduce the scope of verbs in role definitions to enhance security. ___ **It's recommended to avoid using overly broad permissions such as ["create", "update",
    "patch", "delete"] for resources unless absolutely necessary. Consider scoping down the
    permissions or splitting them into different roles for better security practices.** [explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/roles.yaml [36-38]]( ```diff - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["deployments"] - verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch", "delete"] + verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] ```
    Improve security by handling sensitive data properly. ___ **The base64 encoding of secrets is not secure as it's merely an encoding, not encryption.
    It's recommended to store sensitive data securely using Kubernetes secrets management
    practices or external secrets management systems.** [explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/secrets.yaml [8-9]]( ```diff -POSTGRES_PASSWORD: {{ .Values.postgres.postgresPassword | b64enc}} -POSTGRES_USER: {{ .Values.postgres.postgresUser | b64enc}} +POSTGRES_PASSWORD: {{ .Values.postgres.postgresPassword }} +POSTGRES_USER: {{ .Values.postgres.postgresUser }} ```
    Possible issue
    Ensure consistent spacing in ConfigMap keys to avoid parsing errors. ___ **To avoid potential configuration errors, ensure that spaces are consistent in the
    ConfigMap keys. The key POSTGRES_HOST has an extra space before the colon which could lead
    to issues when parsing the key.** [explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/configmap.yaml [11]]( ```diff -POSTGRES_HOST : {{ .Values.postgres.postgresHost }} +POSTGRES_HOST: {{ .Values.postgres.postgresHost }} ```
    Use variables instead of hard-coded values in PersistentVolume configurations. ___ **For better maintainability and to avoid hard-coded values, use a variable for the
    volumeHandle in the PersistentVolume configuration to allow easy updates and
    environment-specific configurations.** [explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/pv.yaml [15]]( ```diff -volumeHandle: fs-073d77123471b2917 +volumeHandle: {{ .Values.persistence.volumeHandle }} ```
    Enhance flexibility by parameterizing the namespace in the ServiceAccount name. ___ **Using a hardcoded namespace in the ServiceAccount name could lead to conflicts or
    deployment issues in environments with different namespaces. Consider parameterizing the
    namespace part of the ServiceAccount name.** [explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/statefulset.yaml [21]]( ```diff -serviceAccountName: {{ include "rewards-squid.serviceAccountName" . }} +serviceAccountName: {{ include "rewards-squid.serviceAccountName" . }}-{{ .Values.namespace | quote }} ```
    Optimize image pulling by using cached images when available. ___ **The imagePullPolicy is set to Always, which can lead to unnecessary pulling of images.
    Consider using IfNotPresent to utilize the cached images when available, which can reduce
    network bandwidth and speed up the deployment process.** [explorer/k8s/helm/rewards-squid/templates/statefulset.yaml [27]]( ```diff -imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy | quote }} +imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ```

    ✨ Improve tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `improve` tool scans the PR code changes, and automatically generates suggestions for improving the PR code. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on a PR. - When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the improve tool (`pr_code_suggestions` section), use the following template: ``` /improve --pr_code_suggestions.some_config1=... --pr_code_suggestions.some_config2=... ``` - With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_code_suggestions] some_config1=... some_config2=... ``` See the improve [usage page]( for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.
    jfrank-summit commented 1 month ago


    github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

    PR Review πŸ”

    ⏱️ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 4, due to the extensive number of files and configurations involved, which includes complex Helm templates, Kubernetes resources, and security settings. The PR introduces a new Helm chart with multiple components that need careful review to ensure they are correctly configured and secure.
    πŸ§ͺ Relevant tests No
    ⚑ Possible issues Possible Security Issue: The `POSTGRES_PASSWORD` and `POSTGRES_USER` are base64 encoded but not encrypted in the secrets.yaml file, which might expose sensitive data if the secret is accessed.
    Configuration Concern: The `listen_addresses` in the `postgres-configmap.yaml` is set to '', which might expose the PostgreSQL service to the internet if not properly secured by network policies or firewalls.
    πŸ”’ Security concerns Sensitive information exposure: Secrets like `POSTGRES_PASSWORD` are only base64 encoded, which is not secure as base64 is easily decodable. Consider encrypting these secrets or using a more secure method of storing sensitive information.
    Code feedback:
    relevant fileexplorer/k8s/helm/micro-squid/templates/secrets.yaml
    suggestion       Consider using Kubernetes secret encryption or an external secrets manager to enhance the security of sensitive data like `POSTGRES_PASSWORD`. This can prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information. [important]
    relevant linePOSTGRES_PASSWORD: {{ .Values.postgres.postgresPassword | b64enc}}

    relevant fileexplorer/k8s/helm/micro-squid/templates/postgres-configmap.yaml
    suggestion       Change the `listen_addresses` in the PostgreSQL configuration to listen only on localhost or a secure internal network to prevent unauthorized external access. This enhances security by reducing the potential attack surface. [important]
    relevant linelisten_addresses = ''

    relevant fileexplorer/k8s/helm/micro-squid/templates/ingress.yaml
    suggestion       Ensure that the ingress annotations include security headers such as HSTS and XSS protection to enhance security for clients accessing the application through ingress. [medium]
    relevant lineannotations:

    relevant fileexplorer/k8s/helm/micro-squid/templates/statefulset.yaml
    suggestion       Add a startup probe to the PostgreSQL container to ensure the database is fully operational before marking it as ready, which can prevent traffic from being routed to a non-ready database instance. [medium]
    relevant linelivenessProbe: