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add general squid helm chart #306

Closed DaMandal0rian closed 1 month ago

DaMandal0rian commented 2 months ago




Changes walkthrough

Relevant files
2 files
Add Helper Templates for Helm Chart                                           

  • Added helper templates for generating names, labels, and service
    account names.
  • Defined templates for chart name and version, common labels, and
    selector labels.
  • +60/-0   
    Configure Horizontal Pod Autoscaler for Scaling                   

  • Configured Horizontal Pod Autoscaler based on CPU and memory metrics.
  • +46/-0   
    Configuration changes
    20 files
    Create .helmignore File for Helm Packaging                             

  • Created a .helmignore file to specify patterns to ignore during Helm
  • +23/-0   
    Initialize Helm Chart Metadata                                                     

  • Set up the basic metadata for the Helm chart including version and app
  • +24/-0   
    Configure Environment Variables for Services                         

  • Configured environment variables for database and network endpoints.
  • +8/-0     
    Setup Let's Encrypt ClusterIssuer for Certificates             

  • Defined a ClusterIssuer for managing certificates with Let's Encrypt.
  • +20/-0   
    Define ClusterRoles and Bindings for Access Control           

  • Defined ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings for various permissions.
  • +55/-0   
    Create ConfigMap for Service Configuration                             

  • Created a ConfigMap to store environment configuration for services.
  • +13/-0   
    Setup Ingress Resources for External Access                           

  • Set up Ingress resources for external access, including TLS
  • +45/-0   
    Define LoadBalancer Service for Traffic Distribution         

    explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/loadbal-svc.yaml - Defined a LoadBalancer service for distributing network traffic.
    Create Namespace for Helm Deployment                                         

    explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/namespace.yaml - Created a Kubernetes namespace for the Helm deployment.
    Configure PostgreSQL Settings via ConfigMap                           

    explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/postgres-configmap.yaml - Configured PostgreSQL settings through a ConfigMap.
    Setup PersistentVolume for Storage                                             

    explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/pv.yaml - Setup a PersistentVolume for storage needs.
    Create PersistentVolumeClaim for Storage Management           

    explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/pvc.yaml - Created a PersistentVolumeClaim for managing storage allocation.
    Establish Resource Quotas for Namespace                                   

    explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/quota.yaml - Established resource quotas for CPU and memory in the namespace.
    Define Roles and Role Bindings for Access Management         

  • Defined various roles and role bindings for different levels of
  • +141/-0 
    Create Secrets for Sensitive Information Storage                 

    explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/secrets.yaml - Created secrets for securely storing sensitive information.
    Configure Service for Application Network Access                 

    explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/service.yaml - Configured a service for network access to the application.
    Create Service Accounts for Operational Roles                       

    explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/serviceaccount.yaml - Created service accounts for different operational roles.
    Configure StatefulSet for Application Deployment                 

  • Configured a StatefulSet for managing stateful application deployment.

  • +168/-0 
    Define StorageClass for Storage Management                             

    explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/storageclass.yaml - Defined a StorageClass for managing storage types.
    Set Default Values for Helm Chart Configuration                   

  • Set default values for the Helm chart, including image repositories,
    service configurations, and resource limits.
  • +178/-0 
    1 files
    Add Access Instructions for Various Service Types               

  • Provided instructions for accessing the application based on different
    service types.
  • +22/-0   

    PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Description updated to latest commit (

    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Review

    ⏱️ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 3, because the PR introduces a comprehensive Helm chart for deploying a Kubernetes application, which involves multiple Kubernetes resources and configurations. The complexity and size of the PR require a detailed review to ensure that all configurations are correct and secure, especially given the inclusion of sensitive data handling and network configurations.
    🧪 Relevant tests No
    🔍 Possible issues Possible Security Concern: The PR includes hard-coded sensitive information in the values.yaml file under the `postgres` section, which includes default passwords. This could lead to security vulnerabilities if not properly managed in production environments.
    Configuration Concern: The ingress configuration in values.yaml is set to `enabled: false` by default, which might be overlooked and lead to accessibility issues if not configured during deployment.
    🔒 Security concerns - Sensitive Information Exposure: The default values for PostgreSQL credentials are set in the values.yaml, which could be exposed if not overridden in production. It is crucial to ensure these values are securely managed and overridden in production environments.
    Code feedback:
    relevant fileexplorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/values.yaml
    suggestion       Consider removing or securing the default credentials for PostgreSQL to prevent potential security risks. Use Kubernetes secrets or external secret management tools to inject these values at runtime. [important]
    relevant linepostgresPassword: postgres

    relevant fileexplorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/values.yaml
    suggestion       Set the default value of `ingress.enabled` to `true` or provide clear documentation to ensure it is configured during deployment to avoid accessibility issues. [medium]
    relevant lineenabled: false

    relevant fileexplorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/secrets.yaml
    suggestion       Ensure that secrets are not logged or exposed in any logs or error messages. Consider implementing additional logging filters or masking techniques. [important]
    relevant linekind: Secret

    relevant fileexplorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/NOTES.txt
    suggestion       Add error handling or checks in the NOTES.txt output commands to ensure that the commands only run successfully when the resources are correctly deployed and available. This can prevent misleading outputs if the deployment has issues. [medium]
    relevant line1. Get the application URL by running these commands:

    ✨ Review tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `review` tool scans the PR code changes, and generates a PR review which includes several types of feedbacks, such as possible PR issues, security threats and relevant test in the PR. More feedbacks can be [added]( by configuring the tool. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on any PR. - When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the review tool (`pr_reviewer` section), use the following template: ``` /review --pr_reviewer.some_config1=... --pr_reviewer.some_config2=... ``` - With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_reviewer] some_config1=... some_config2=... ``` See the review [usage page]( for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.
    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Code Suggestions

    Improve variable naming for clarity. ___ **Consider using a more descriptive variable name instead of $name in the
    general-squid.fullname template to improve readability and maintainability.** [explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/_helpers.tpl [15]]( ```diff -{{- $name := default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride }} +{{- $chartName := default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride }} ```
    Ensure consistent formatting in the ConfigMap. ___ **Use consistent spacing around colons in the `data` section for better readability.** [explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/configmap.yaml [11]]( ```diff -POSTGRES_HOST : {{ .Values.postgres.postgresHost }} +POSTGRES_HOST: {{ .Values.postgres.postgresHost }} ```
    Remove inappropriate namespace field from ClusterRoleBinding. ___ **Ensure that the namespace field is removed from the ClusterRoleBinding metadata to adhere
    to Kubernetes RBAC standards, as ClusterRoleBindings are not namespaced.** [explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/clusterroles.yaml [7]]( ```diff -namespace: {{ .Values.namespace}} +# namespace: {{ .Values.namespace}} # Removed as ClusterRoleBindings are not namespaced ```
    Add a default case for pathType to enhance compatibility. ___ **Add a default case for pathType to ensure compatibility with different Kubernetes versions
    and configurations.** [explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/ingress.yaml [28]]( ```diff -pathType: {{ .pathType | quote }} +pathType: {{ default "ImplementationSpecific" .pathType | quote }} ```
    Add error handling for autoscaling configuration values. ___ **Add error handling for cases where .Values.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage and
    .Values.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage might not be set to avoid runtime
    errors.** [explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/hpa.yaml [20]]( ```diff -targetAverageUtilization: {{ .Values.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage }} +targetAverageUtilization: {{ required "A valid .Values.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage is required!" .Values.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage }} ```
    Parameterize the PostgreSQL container port for better flexibility. ___ **It is recommended to parameterize the postgres container port to maintain consistency and
    flexibility, allowing easy updates or configurations changes through values.yaml.** [explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/statefulset.yaml [30]]( ```diff -containerPort: 5432 +containerPort: {{ .Values.postgres.postgresPort }} ```
    Best practice
    Use specific image tags instead of "latest" to ensure deployment consistency. ___ **Consider using a more specific tag than "latest" for the images to ensure consistent
    deployments and avoid potential issues with unexpected changes when the "latest" image is
    updated. Using a specific version tag can help maintain stability and predictability in
    deployments.** [explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/statefulset.yaml [93-143]]( ```diff -image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag | default .Chart.AppVersion }}" -image: "{{ .Values.image_api.repository }}:{{ .Values.image_api.tag | default .Chart.AppVersion }}" +image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:1.2.3" # Replace '1.2.3' with the specific version you want to use +image: "{{ .Values.image_api.repository }}:1.2.3" # Replace '1.2.3' with the specific version you want to use ```
    Add labels to Role and RoleBinding resources for better resource management. ___ **For the Role and RoleBinding resources, consider adding labels for better manageability
    and to align with best practices. Labels can help in identifying and organizing resources,
    especially in larger systems.** [explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/roles.yaml [3-5]]( ```diff metadata: name: pod-reader-role namespace: {{ .Values.namespace | quote }} + labels: + app: general-squid + role: pod-reader ```
    Use secure secret management practices instead of encoding secrets in the template. ___ **It's a security best practice to avoid using base64 encoding for secrets directly in
    templates as it can be easily decoded. Instead, consider using Kubernetes secrets
    management practices that involve creating secrets outside of the deployment pipeline and
    referencing them in your deployments.** [explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/secrets.yaml [7-9]]( ```diff +# Assume secrets are created separately and securely data: - POSTGRES_PASSWORD: {{ .Values.postgres.postgresPassword | b64enc}} - POSTGRES_USER: {{ .Values.postgres.postgresUser | b64enc}} + POSTGRES_PASSWORD: {{ .Values.postgres.secretNameForPassword }} + POSTGRES_USER: {{ .Values.postgres.secretNameForUser }} ```
    Possible issue
    Ensure selector labels match the pod template labels exactly to avoid service disruptions. ___ **To avoid potential selector mismatches that can lead to service disruptions, ensure that
    the selector labels match exactly with the labels specified in the pod template of the
    deployment or stateful set.** [explorer/k8s/helm/general-squid/templates/service.yaml [13-15]]( ```diff selector: - name: {{ include "general-squid.fullname" . }}-app app: {{ include "general-squid.fullname" . }}-app ```

    ✨ Improve tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `improve` tool scans the PR code changes, and automatically generates suggestions for improving the PR code. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on a PR. - When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the improve tool (`pr_code_suggestions` section), use the following template: ``` /improve --pr_code_suggestions.some_config1=... --pr_code_suggestions.some_config2=... ``` - With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_code_suggestions] some_config1=... some_config2=... ``` See the improve [usage page]( for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.
    DaMandal0rian commented 1 month ago

    closing as making #304 reusable by all micro-squids