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add auto domain to docker compose manifest for ansible PT.3 #314

Open DaMandal0rian opened 2 months ago

DaMandal0rian commented 2 months ago

User description

Extend docker compose manifests to include auto domain. This continues on and

PR Type

enhancement, configuration changes


Changes walkthrough ๐Ÿ“

Relevant files
Configuration changes
Enhance Docker Compose Configurations for Bootstrap Domains

  • Added configurations for state and blocks pruning set to 'archive'.
  • Introduced new domain IDs and updated network configurations for both
    EVM and AUTO domains.
  • Configured new RPC settings and node reservations for bootstrap nodes.
  • +24/-0   
    Update Traefik Configurations and Domain IDs in Docker Compose

  • Updated Traefik routing rules to include new domain IDs for EVM and
  • Added new Traefik configurations for the AUTO domain.
  • Updated domain IDs in existing configurations to specify EVM.
  • +21/-2   

    ๐Ÿ’ก PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Description updated to latest commit (

    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Review ๐Ÿ”

    โฑ๏ธ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 3, because the PR involves multiple configuration changes across different files and domains, which requires a detailed review to ensure consistency and correctness in the configurations.
    ๐Ÿงช Relevant tests No
    โšก Possible issues Possible Redundancy: The configuration for state and blocks pruning is repeated for both EVM and AUTO domains. This could be simplified or parameterized to avoid redundancy and potential errors in future updates.
    Configuration Clarity: The use of environment variables like `${DOMAIN_ID_EVM}` and `${DOMAIN_ID_AUTO}` needs clear documentation or examples to ensure they are set correctly in the environment.
    ๐Ÿ”’ Security concerns No
    Code feedback:
    relevant fileansible/network/files/docker-compose-bootstrap-domain.yml
    suggestion       Consider parameterizing the repeated configurations for state and blocks pruning to reduce redundancy and potential errors. This can be achieved by defining these settings in a separate, included YAML file or by using a templating mechanism to apply the settings across different domains. [important]
    relevant line"--state-pruning", "archive"

    relevant fileansible/network/files/docker-compose-domain.yml
    suggestion       Add explicit environment variable definitions or checks to ensure that `${DOMAIN_ID_EVM}` and `${DOMAIN_ID_AUTO}` are defined before they are used in the configurations. This can prevent runtime errors due to undefined variables. [important]
    relevant line"--domain-id", "${DOMAIN_ID_EVM}"

    relevant fileansible/network/files/docker-compose-domain.yml
    suggestion       Consider adding health checks for the services defined in the Docker Compose files to ensure that they are running correctly and to facilitate easier debugging and monitoring. [medium]
    relevant line- ""

    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Code Suggestions โœจ

    Enhance security by restricting the CORS policy to specific domains. ___ **Consider using a more restrictive setting for --rpc-cors to enhance security. Using 'all'
    allows any website to make requests to your service, which might expose sensitive data or
    lead to other security vulnerabilities.** [ansible/network/files/docker-compose-bootstrap-domain.yml [150]]( ```diff -"--rpc-cors", "all", +"--rpc-cors", "", ```
    Improve security by binding the RPC server to specific network interfaces. ___ **The --rpc-listen-on configuration is set to listen on all interfaces ( It's
    recommended to bind to specific interfaces to reduce the risk of exposing the RPC server
    to potentially malicious traffic.** [ansible/network/files/docker-compose-bootstrap-domain.yml [151]]( ```diff -"--rpc-listen-on", "", +"--rpc-listen-on", "", # Assuming is the intended interface ```
    Remove duplicate configuration entries to avoid potential errors. ___ **The --state-pruning and --blocks-pruning options are duplicated in the configuration.
    Ensure that these settings are intended to be repeated, or consider removing the
    duplicates to avoid configuration errors.** [ansible/network/files/docker-compose-bootstrap-domain.yml [146-159]]( ```diff "--state-pruning", "archive", -"--blocks-pruning", "archive", ```
    Best practice
    Ensure consistent HTTPS redirection by applying the middleware to all routers. ___ **The middleware redirect-https is added to the archival-node-auto router but not to the
    archival-node router. To maintain consistency and ensure all traffic is redirected to
    HTTPS, consider adding this middleware to all relevant routers.** [ansible/network/files/docker-compose-domain.yml [97]]( ```diff +- "traefik.http.routers.archival-node.middlewares=redirect-https" - "traefik.http.routers.archival-node-auto.middlewares=redirect-https" ```
    Possible issue
    Standardize server ports across configurations to prevent misconfigurations. ___ **The load balancer server port configuration for archival-node-auto is set to 7944, which
    differs from the standard port 8944 used in other configurations. Verify if this is
    intentional and consider standardizing ports for uniformity and to avoid misconfiguration.** [ansible/network/files/docker-compose-domain.yml [98]]( ```diff -- "" +- "" ```