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cluster changes domain validation & argocd environments #315

Closed DaMandal0rian closed 4 weeks ago

DaMandal0rian commented 1 month ago

PR Type

enhancement, configuration changes


Changes walkthrough ๐Ÿ“

Relevant files
Configuration changes
9 files
Update default values for AWS region, hosted zone, and GitHub SSH key

  • Changed default AWS region to us-east-2
  • Updated default hosted zone name to
  • Updated default GitHub SSH key name
  • Corrected GitHub organization name
  • +4/-4
    Update default AWS region                                                               

    eks/eks-green/ - Changed default AWS region to `us-east-2`
    Update GitHub SSH key names in Secrets Manager                     

    eks/network/ - Updated GitHub SSH key names in Secrets Manager
    Update default AWS region                                                               

    eks/network/ - Changed default AWS region to `us-east-2`
    Update cluster endpoint to new AWS region                               

    eks/user_data/ - Updated cluster endpoint to `us-east-2`
    Update default hosted zone and GitHub SSH key name             

  • Updated default hosted zone name to
  • Updated default GitHub SSH key name
  • +2/-2     
    Add terraform.tfvars for EKS blue environment                       

  • Added variables for AWS region, environment name, hosted zone, and
    GitHub SSH key
  • +20/-0   
    Add terraform.tfvars for EKS green environment                     

  • Added variables for AWS region, environment name, hosted zone, and
    GitHub SSH key
  • +20/-0   
    Add terraform.tfvars for network configuration                     

    eks/network/terraform.tfvars - Added variables for AWS region, environment name, and hosted zone
    2 files
    Simplify hosted zone and update ACM configuration               

  • Simplified hosted zone creation
  • Disabled NS record creation
  • Added CAA record creation
  • Updated ACM module configuration
  • +24/-19
    Simplify EKS cluster domain and update Route53 zone data source

  • Simplified EKS cluster domain configuration
  • Updated Route53 zone data source
  • +2/-2     

    ๐Ÿ’ก PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

    PR Review ๐Ÿ”

    โฑ๏ธ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 4, because the PR involves multiple changes across various configuration files and Terraform modules, which requires a detailed understanding of the infrastructure and the impact of these changes on the existing setup.
    ๐Ÿงช Relevant tests No
    โšก Possible issues Possible Bug: The removal of NS record creation in `aws_route53_record` and the addition of CAA records without ensuring DNS validation might cause issues with domain validation if not properly managed.
    Configuration Concern: Changing the default AWS region and hosted zone names across multiple environments without corresponding updates to dependent resources or documentation might lead to inconsistencies or deployment failures.
    ๐Ÿ”’ Security concerns No
    Code feedback:
    relevant fileeks/network/
    suggestion       Consider adding error handling or validation checks when modifying DNS settings, especially when disabling NS record creation. This can prevent potential issues with domain resolution and certificate validation. [important]
    relevant line# Validate records for the new HostedZone (disable since ACM module will create the NS records)

    relevant fileeks/eks-blue/
    suggestion       Ensure that the updated default values for AWS region and hosted zone are reflected in all dependent configurations and documentation to avoid deployment inconsistencies. [important]
    relevant linedefault = "us-east-2"

    relevant fileeks/network/
    suggestion       When changing the domain name for the ACM module, ensure that all SANs (Subject Alternative Names) are correctly updated to prevent SSL/TLS certificate errors. [important]
    relevant linedomain_name = local.hosted_zone_name

    relevant fileeks/network/
    suggestion       Verify that the new secret names for SSH keys are updated across all scripts and CI/CD pipelines to prevent issues with access to private repositories. [important]
    relevant linename = "github-eks-subspace-ssh-key"

    github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

    PR Code Suggestions โœจ

    CategorySuggestion                                                                                                                                    Score
    Best practice
    Add a validation check for the hosted zone name to ensure it meets DNS naming standards ___ **Consider adding a validation check for local.hosted_zone_name to ensure it conforms to DNS
    naming conventions before using it in resource definitions. This can prevent runtime
    errors due to invalid domain names.** [eks/network/ [51]]( ```diff -name = local.hosted_zone_name +name = can(regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,63}\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]{1,253}$", local.hosted_zone_name)) ? local.hosted_zone_name : "" ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 9 Why: Adding a validation check for the hosted zone name is a best practice that can prevent runtime errors due to invalid domain names, which is crucial for maintaining the stability and reliability of the infrastructure.
    Make the ACM validation wait conditional based on the environment ___ **It's recommended to handle the wait_for_validation flag dynamically based on the
    environment (e.g., true for production). Hardcoding it to false might skip necessary
    validation steps that can catch misconfigurations.** [eks/network/ [82]]( ```diff -wait_for_validation = false +wait_for_validation = var.environment == "production" ? true : false ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Dynamically handling the `wait_for_validation` flag based on the environment ensures that necessary validation steps are not skipped in production, enhancing the reliability and correctness of the deployment process.
    Enhance tagging for ACM resources for improved management and tracking ___ **The tags for the ACM module only include the Name tag. It's a good practice to include
    more descriptive tags such as Environment, ManagedBy, etc., for better resource management
    and cost tracking.** [eks/network/ [86]]( ```diff tags = { - Name = "${local.hosted_zone_name}" + Name = "${local.hosted_zone_name}", + Environment = var.environment_name, + ManagedBy = "Terraform" } ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Adding more descriptive tags such as `Environment` and `ManagedBy` improves resource management and cost tracking, which is beneficial for maintaining organized and well-documented infrastructure.
    Parameterize CAA records to increase flexibility and manageability ___ **The hardcoded CAA records limit the issuance of certificates to "". If other CAs
    are needed in the future, this might restrict operations. Consider parameterizing the CAA
    records or managing them through a different configuration layer.** [eks/network/ [68]]( ```diff -records = ["0 issue \"\"", "0 issuewild \"\""] +records = var.caa_records ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Parameterizing CAA records allows for greater flexibility and future-proofing, making it easier to adapt to changes in certificate authorities without modifying the code.