subspace / subspace.js

Client library for easy get/put storage interaction with Subspace Network blockchain
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transaction has too low priority when running dapp example #19

Open achiurizo opened 1 year ago

achiurizo commented 1 year ago

Reported by email:

The issue happens when running the Subspace public repo dapp example found here:

When attempting to upload an image connecting to the testnet (wss://, I receive this error in the browser console:

RPC-CORE: submitAndWatchExtrinsic(extrinsic: Extrinsic): ExtrinsicStatus:: 1014: Priority is too low: (2001 vs 63): The transaction has too low priority to replace another transaction already in the pool.

This happens with any image I attempt to upload and any account created in the extension.
caudurodev commented 1 year ago

Hi - I added this via email. This appears to happen in any example using the subspace.js library + testnet. It's unclear if this is an error or if there is a missing step in the setup. This is my first time using the network so I might be missing something obvious here.