substance / notes

Real-time collaborative notes editing.
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Would be nice to be able to associate remote selections with user info #10

Closed obuchtala closed 8 years ago

michael commented 8 years ago

I will render some collaborator info in a small strip below the editor. Or maybe it fits into the menubar. By default we just use artificial user names... User 1, User 2 but you can enter a nickname. We could persist that user-defined nickname in localstorage so for future sessions you keep your name.

michael commented 8 years ago

Idea: Instead of using names we display avatars in circles. The outline of an avatar associates the user with a cursor color. When a user is active the outline pulsates.


We just need to find a way how a user can choose their avatar. Is ist possible to access the webcam in an identify dialog? We can also provide some standard avatars if users want to stay anonymous. If the user uploaded an avatar we could store it as a base64 string in localstorage.

obuchtala commented 8 years ago

What about using initials for that. So if were able to logon with first and last name we could derive unique initials and render them with plain html/css ?

michael commented 8 years ago

Also possible. Just playing with some identity-protecting ideas :) like no names but images.. and if you want to stay anonymous you provide image of an elephant or kaktus.

michael commented 8 years ago

Another option is OAuth (e.g. via Github) then we could get the github avatar and names and everything. But somehow i like idea of stand-alone unauthenticated app. I think the document sha's are secure enough to provide some kind of protection. If you don't have the url you will not find the note.

obuchtala commented 8 years ago

I agree. OAuth via Github is nice, but definitely a matter of taste. Let's keep our things as simple as possible for now.

michael commented 8 years ago

We have an interface for a users and session store now. When a user signs on or off we broadCast that user info through a collaborator object.

michael commented 8 years ago

We need to think about wether we want to introduce real signups for the notepad.

michael commented 8 years ago

We have real signups now. User just enters a name and gets a loginKey.