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Document title isn't updated #84

Closed Integral closed 8 years ago

Integral commented 8 years ago

E.g. if you update title inside document, document will still contain old one.

Integral commented 8 years ago

Done. Now we should think how we can pass titles from seed file to changes which have their own title currently... E.g. now we could have document title Memoirs of Journeys to Venice and the Low Countries from seed and Welcome to Substance Notes title from changes. If you'll edit latest characters from title you will brake the server, because you will try to apply operation to string with less length. Btw, we also probably should wrap op.apply with try catch blocks to avoid server crash, maybe it's time to move enhanceRequest from server.js, too much IMHO. @michael, what do you think?

michael commented 8 years ago

I think it's just fine like that. If we have a consistent database they shouldn't be out of sync. So we should just use the same seed for doc record and changes instead of hardcoding them.

{title: exampleNote.createArticle().get(['meta', title'])}