As a production assistant I want to add an acknowledgements section
As a production assistant I want to add a data availability section
As a production assistant I want to add one or more appendices
As a production assistant I want to change the order of the backmatter elements
<sec sec-type="data-availability">
<title>Data Availability</title>
<p>The data analysis file and all annotator data files are available in the Figshare repository, <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href=""></ext-link> [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="pone.0167292.ref032">32</xref>].</p>
<p>Les auteurs remercient l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie pour avoir financé ce projet.</p>
<app id="appendix-1">
<title>Appendix 1</title>
<p>Appendix content</p>
This proposal describes a generic approach to allow backmatter editing. We would treat the backmatter as a regular editing canvas, like the main text of the article. You can create sections and paragraphs, make any selection and cut and paste to rearrange content. To serve the additional requirements of tagging acknowledgements and appendices in JATS each section can optionally be assigned to a section type.
Editor Requirements
Editable backmatter section
Ability to choose from a defined list of section types ("cases", "conclusions", "intro", "acknowledgement", "appendix")
Should use special JATS tagging where appropriate (<app> and <ack>) otherwise <sec sec-type="...">
Ability to reorder sections (classic word processor editing experience)
Ready for implementation. Proposal signed off by eLife and Substance.
User stories
This proposal describes a generic approach to allow backmatter editing. We would treat the backmatter as a regular editing canvas, like the main text of the article. You can create sections and paragraphs, make any selection and cut and paste to rearrange content. To serve the additional requirements of tagging acknowledgements and appendices in JATS each section can optionally be assigned to a section type.
Editor Requirements
) otherwise<sec sec-type="...">
Ready for implementation. Proposal signed off by eLife and Substance.