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Non-author contributor names #1261

Open JGilbert-eLife opened 5 years ago

JGilbert-eLife commented 5 years ago


The displayed name for a non-author contributor on the article.

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But what if . . . ?


XML requirements

Non-author contributors are captured as contrib elements inside a contrib-group element which is distinct from the author list. In the article front/article-meta, this distinction is currently handled with an appropriate value for the contrib-group/@content-type.

Editors and reviewers should be captured in a contrib-group[@content-type="peer-review"]. Translators should be captured in a contrib-group[@content-type="translators"].

   <contrib-group content-type="peer-review">
                    <role>Senior Editor</role>
                    <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff5">5</xref>
                    <role>Reviewing Editor</role>
                    <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff5">5</xref>
                    <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff5">5</xref>
                    <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff6">6</xref>
                    <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff6">6</xref>
    <aff id="aff5">
    <aff id="aff6">
   <contrib-group content-type="translators">
                    <role>English Translator</role>
                    <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff7">7</xref>
    <aff id="aff7">

The name of reviewers, editors, and translators may contain the same elements as author names:

Custom Vocabulary

Texture needs to allow for customisable contrib-groups in addition to the three outlined above. A publisher may want to distinguish between other forms of non-author contributors, and these should be able to be accounted for with some form of customization that would allow the user/publisher to capture these contributors in their own distinct contrib-group with an appropriate @content-type value.

Mock ups


michael commented 5 years ago

Texture needs to allow for customisable contrib-groups in addition to the three outlined above. A publisher may want to distinguish between other forms of non-author contributors, and these should be able to be accounted for with some form of customization that would allow the user/publisher to capture these contributors in their own distinct contrib-group with an appropriate @content-type value.

Isn't this something we could agree on as a group? Even if we had 10 different contrib-groups it would be better to have them built-in and optional than having publisher-specific values. The content would no longer be exchangeable, as the semantic meaning is not defined for the custom groups.

Few general questions:

fabiobatalha commented 5 years ago


I agree with you. We can have the authors and others contrib-group only. The element role should be enough to distinguish from reviewers, translators and others.

In this approach:

michael commented 5 years ago

I've started a complete feature proposal in which I'd like to address all required feature-requests in the end. I came up with 2 sections Authors and Contributors (all other contributor types, such as reviewer translator etc.)


@fabiobatalha any chance we can maintain a collaborative list of role values that are available. By doing that content would be compatible among different journals. We are happy to add as many roles as needed, but think it would be beneficial if all journals used the same values.

Melissa37 commented 5 years ago

I agree with you. We can have the authors and others contrib-group only. The element role should be enough to distinguish from reviewers, translators and others.

I agree, but would like @FAtherden-eLife and @JGilbert-eLife to confirm for eLife

@fabiobatalha any chance we can maintain a collaborative list of role values that are available. By doing that content would be compatible among different journals. We are happy to add as many roles as needed, but think it would be beneficial if all journals used the same values.

I like the idea of an extensible list of role values. I think some might need that field to be completely open and editable, but we at eLife would have defined roles that we'd need to add to/change over time

fabiobatalha commented 5 years ago

@fabiobatalha any chance we can maintain a collaborative list of role values that are available. By doing that content would be compatible among different journals. We are happy to add as many roles as needed, but think it would be beneficial if all journals used the same values.

@michael At Érudit we do not have all this variety of roles because the ÉruditArticle Schema doesn't support this. But considering we are moving to JATS and we will start to have control of this information it is totally acceptable to have a pre-defined list of possible values for authors and non-authors roles.

I would say some journals will adopt the terms of this list but we can not assure all the journals will accept it so by this reason to avoid the need of future custom developments I think it is important to have the possibility to assign custom values for authors and non-author roles.