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Non-author contributor roles #1263

Open JGilbert-eLife opened 5 years ago

JGilbert-eLife commented 5 years ago


Designates the kind of non-author contributor e.g. reviewer, reviewing editor, senior editor, translator etc.

User stories


Production staff

But what if . . . ?


XML requirements

Roles are identified using the role element.

<contrib-group content-type="peer-review">
            <role>Reviewing Editor</role>
            <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff5">5</xref>
            <role>Senior Editor</role>
            <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff5">5</xref>
            <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff6">6</xref>
      <aff id="aff5"><institution>...</institution><country>...</country></aff>
      <aff id="aff6"><institution>...</institution><country>...</country></aff>
<contrib-group content-type="translators">
                    <role>French Translator</role>
                    <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff7">7</xref>
    <aff id="aff7">

A contributor may have more than one role:

<contrib-group content-type="peer-review">
            <role>Reviewing Editor</role>
            <role>Senior Editor</role>
            <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff5">5</xref>

Custom Vocabulary

Texture needs to allow for customisable role values. There should be a certain set of 'allowed' role values, which a publisher can add to or remove from in their configuration. This will allow for various customisable roles to be accounted for without the need for development work.

Custom Mandatory configuration

Whether roles are mandatory (or not) should also be customisable in Texture. For example, eLife specify that every peer-review contributor requires a role. However, Érudit may not require a role to be mandated for translators.

Mock ups


michael commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the requirements on this. Very clear and make sense!

Just a few questions:

fabiobatalha commented 5 years ago

I would say those 3 groups are enough, and maybe change the name of peer-review to editorial.

The CRedIT taxonomy doesn't address the translators, I would say it is ok to include this taxonomy but it is still important to allow to include custom values in the element role.

Melissa37 commented 5 years ago

is the contrib group type 'peer-review' generic enough? will we have a fixed number of contrib group types (authors, peer-review, translators) or do we need to have that extensible?

I would say those 3 groups are enough, and maybe change the name of peer-review to editorial.

I did see/hear one option at one point of having a non-author group. Perhaps that could be used? "non-author" contributor group type, so you'd have author and non-author, and then the role is used as a display term for the custom vocabulary

Custom Vocabulary: It would be good to have the same vocabulary for all roles, otherwise we would need to distinguish between AuthorRoles and NonAuthorRoles is that ok?

Would my suggestions above work to that effect?

Are we going to consider the CRedIT taxonomy in the MVP or is that for later?

That is a requirement for MVP, we're just waiting on some more input from the community. There will be a separate ticket for this, but for reference here, this is the required tagging:

<role vocab="credit" vocab-identifier="" vocab-term="Investigation" vocab-term-identifier="Investigation">Data Collection</role>

This issue for eLife is that we use contributions that are not part of the Credit taxonomy, but would like to have a way in the attributes to distinguish those from the roles we're describing in this ticket. I hope that makes sense? If we don't hear from JATS4R we'll have to do something random ourselves - but I'd rather it was community-led.

pigeonm commented 5 years ago

At Erudit we only use one type of non author contributor: the translator (but our schema support all of the types listed in the MARC21 list for relators)