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Asset-level licensing #1273

Open fred-atherden opened 5 years ago

fred-atherden commented 5 years ago


We need to be able to support separate licenses for assets within the article as these (particularly figures) may reproduce material from other articles not published under CC-BY licenses.

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But what if . . . ?

Considerations [UPDATED: 03/06/2019]

XML requirements

JATS4R recommendation

Licensing information (for each license) is captured inside a permissions element as a child of the asset (whether that be table-wrap, media [for videos], or fig - although it is most likely to be only used for fig with eLife content). This holds the 4 following child elements:

The @xml:lang attribute can be used to specify a language. An asset must be able to have more than one permissions element.

<fig id="fig1">
        <copyright-statement xml:lang="en">© 2015 MIT Press</copyright-statement>
        <copyright-holder xml:lang="en">MIT Press</copyright-holder>
        <license xml:lang="en">
            <license-p>Panel A reprinted from <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="bib42">Sterling and Laughlin, 2015</xref> with permission.</license-p>
        <copyright-statement xml:lang="en">© 2019 Smith et al.</copyright-statement>
        <copyright-holder xml:lang="en">Smith et al.</copyright-holder>
        <license xml:lang="en" xlink:href="">
            <license-p>Panel B is licensed under a <ext-link  xlink:href=""  ext-link-type="uri">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</ext-link> <inline-graphic xlink:title="Creative Commons License" xlink:href="" /></license-p>

@xlink:href or <ali:license_ref> can be used as a attribute/child (respectively) of <license> to contain the URI which defines the license.


 <license xlink:href="">
     <license-p>Figure 1A is distributed under the terms of the <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="">Creative Commons Attribution License</ext-link>, which permits unrestricted use and redistribution provided that the original author and source are credited.</license-p>


      <ali:license_ref start_date="2014-02-03"></ali:license_ref>
      <license-p>Figure 1A is distributed under the terms of the <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="">Creative Commons Attribution License</ext-link>, which permits unrestricted use and redistribution provided that the original author and source are credited.</license-p>

license-p must be able to contain inline-graphic

Mock ups

This is not required, but if you have mock ups of what you would like to see please provide them here.


This will be added by the Texture team after the feature request is discussed and agreed.

fabiobatalha commented 5 years ago

Including one example with inline-graphic to support creative commons icons.

        <inline-graphic xlink:title="Creative Commons License" xlink:href="" />This work is licensed under a <ext-link  xlink:href=""  ext-link-type="uri">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</ext-link>.
fred-atherden commented 5 years ago

Thanks @fabiobatalha! - this was also included at the end of the license-p in the second permissions element in the example above

        <copyright-statement xml:lang="en">© 2019 Smith et al.</copyright-statement>
        <copyright-holder xml:lang="en">Smith et al.</copyright-holder>
        <license xml:lang="en" xlink:href="">
            <license-p>Panel B is licensed under a <ext-link  xlink:href=""  ext-link-type="uri">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</ext-link> <inline-graphic xlink:title="Creative Commons License" xlink:href="" /></license-p>

I've added the following to the ticket to make this more explicit:

license-p must be able to contain inline-graphic

JGilbert-eLife commented 5 years ago

I've updated the considerations here to account for public domain licenses where there will be no copyright holder. This means copyright-holder, copyright-year and copyright-statement need to be optional, even if they will be there for most cases.