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Asset-level source files #1276

Open fred-atherden opened 5 years ago

fred-atherden commented 5 years ago


eLife allows source code and source data files to be directly associated with figures and figure supplements, tables and videos. EMBO/SourceData allow source files associated with whole figures, multiple figures and individual figure panels.

User Stories


Production staff

EMBO SourceData

But what if . . . ?


This ticket is specifically about source files that will be contained within the DAR file format. This is important for EMBO SourceData since they want to treat 'internal' source files and 'external' source files (e.g. those hosted on FTP sites, stored in external repositories under accession numbers etc) as equivalent for the purposes of user experience."

XML requirements

Asset level source data and code should be captured in the additional files section in the back:

     <sec id="s6" sec-type="supplementary-material">
          <title>Additional files</title>
          <supplementary-material id="fig3scode1">
               <label>Figure 3—source code 1.</label>
                    <title>Custom python scripts used to generate Figure 3A-C</title>
               <media mime-subtype="zip" mimetype="application" xlink:href=""/>
          <supplementary-material id="fig3s3sdata1">
               <label>Figure 3—figure supplement 3—source data 1.</label>
                    <title>Detailed counts of cells quantified in <xref ref-type="fig" rid="fig2s3">Figure 2—figure supplement 3</xref> in the different experimental conditions.</title>
               <media mime-subtype="xlsx" mimetype="application" xlink:href="elife-44527-fig3-figsupp3-data1-v2.xlsx"/>
          <supplementary-material id="video1sdata1">
               <label>Video 1—source data 1.</label>
                    <title>Rho mutations from all replicate evolution experiments.</title>
               <media mime-subtype="xlsx" mimetype="application" xlink:href="elife-44527-data1-v1.xlsx"/>          
          <supplementary-material id="table4sdata1">
               <label>Table 4—source data 1.</label>
                    <title>Thermograms and normalized plotted data from ITC titration of TRAP220 peptide into PPARγ LBD.</title>
               <media mime-subtype="pdf" mimetype="application" xlink:href="elife-44527-table4-data1-v2.pdf"/>
           <supplementary-material id="sdata1">
               <label>Source data 1.</label>
                    <title>Source data for the whole article.</title>
               <media mime-subtype="pdf" mimetype="application" xlink:href="elife-44527-data1-v2.pdf"/>

This should then be referenced with an xref element, which is a direct child of the respective element (fig, table-wrap, or media). The xref should contain the content of the label for the supplementary-material it points to:

          <fig id="fig3" position="float">
               <label>Figure 3.</label>
               <xref ref-type="supplementary-material" rid="fig3scode1">Figure 3—source code 1.</xref>
          <fig id="fig3s3" position="float">
               <label>Figure 3—figure supplement 3.</label>
                    <title><italic>Hmx3</italic>; tdTOM+ cells negative for <italic>Htr3a</italic>-GFP often express glial markers.</title>
               <xref ref-type="supplementary-material" rid="fig3s3sdata1">Figure 3—figure supplement 3—source data 1.</xref>
     <media mimetype="video" mime-subtype="mp4" id="video1" xlink:href="elife-00666-video1.mp4">
           <label>Video 1.</label>
                 <title>A description of the eLife editorial process.</title>
          <xref ref-type="supplementary-material" rid="video1sdata1">Video 1—source data 1.</xref>
     <table-wrap id="table4" position="float">
          <label>Table 4.</label>
               <title>ITC analysis of TRAP220 peptide titrated into PPARγ LBD.</title>
          <xref ref-type="supplementary-material" rid="table4sdata1">Table 4—source data 1.</xref>


SourceData require the ability for overall Figures (composed of multiple panels) to also have source files associated. In such instances, xref should be used as a direct child of fig-group:

<fig-group id="fig3">
    <label>Figure 3.</label>
    <fig id="fig3a" position="float">
    <fig id="fig3b" position="float">
    <xref ref-type="supplementary-material" rid="fig3sdata1">Figure 3—source data 1.</xref>

Mock ups

This is not required, but if you have mock ups of what you would like to see please provide them here.


This will be added by the Texture team after the feature request is discussed and agreed.

obuchtala commented 5 years ago

Labelling example, in context of figure and figure supplements: Figure 1 Figure 1—source data 1 Figure 2 Figure 2—source data 1

Please also take into consideration, that a data file might be the source for two or more figures. This is particularly common if e.g. a larger table of data is processed in different ways, such as using different columns.

Melissa37 commented 5 years ago

@oliver---- This is why I'd like the tickets to be combined - that's not an eLife use case, but is a SourceData use case

Melissa37 commented 5 years ago

JGilbert-eLife commented 5 years ago

@Melissa37, @oliver---- - On reviewing the requirements/user stories that @source-data have in #1245, I think it is important that we distinguish two different kinds of data that can be associated with figures: files that are going to be included in the DAR file, and external data on an FTP site, a data repository etc. This is not something that I expect to be reflected in the user experience, but it does mean we have the case where a file is being directly included (which is what eLife's requirements are centred around) and the case where the data is represented by a link to some external site.

@michael / @oliver---- - am I right in thinking that source data hosted on an external site will need a different XML solution and if so, should be dealt with in a separate ticket?

Given that the other user stories on this ticket are centred around the case where the files will be included in the DAR, I've summarised what I think are @source-data's user stories for this case here. The requirement to also be able to associate source data on external sites with figures and panels should, I think, be captured in a separate ticket, even if the UI ends up similar.

michael commented 5 years ago

@Melissa37, @oliver---- - On reviewing the requirements/user stories that @source-data have in #1245, I think it is important that we distinguish two different kinds of data that can be associated with figures: files that are going to be included in the DAR file, and external data on an FTP site, a data repository etc. This is not something that I expect to be reflected in the user experience, but it does mean we have the case where a file is being directly included (which is what eLife's requirements are centred around) and the case where the data is represented by a link to some external site.

We already have support for external supplementary files. Instead of a file (included in the DAR), those take a URL. Both are represented as supplementary-material elements in JATS.

Melissa37 commented 5 years ago

We already have support for external supplementary files. Instead of a file (included in the DAR), those take a URL. Both are represented as supplementary-material elements in JATS.

@michael that's great! For eLife we don't list them in supplementary material but have http links or put them in references, but I assume that's not a problem either.

source-data commented 5 years ago

'as a Collaborator (I am not sure how this role is defined; we had the role "Recipient" defined in our doc which is similar to a 'reader') I want a separate View where all the Files are listed with their associations.'
This may or may not have implications on the tagging but it could put some constraints on how the tagging at the figure or panel level can be used to render an overview list.

JGilbert-eLife commented 5 years ago

Hi @source-data - thanks for commenting. Sorry, I misunderstood what you meant by 'recipient' previously. Would it be better to use 'reader' in these user stories? At a glance, it looks like all recipients of the data (either collaborators with the authors or post-publication readers) would count as readers for the purposes of the Texture interface?

The user story in your comment sounds like a solution to "As a [collaborator/recipient/reader], I want to be able to clearly see which data files are associated with a figure or panel so that I can see the source data for the images" rather than a separate requirement. Is that right? Or should we have another user story that is something like, "I want to be able to see all the files at once so that I can study the source files for the entire article"?

source-data commented 5 years ago

Here is a updates list of user stories. The description is also updated below:

Linked source files

EMBO SourceData allows files to be associated with the whole document, individual or multiple figures, individual or multiple figure panels.

User stories


Melissa37 commented 5 years ago

Hey @NickDuf do you have any comments on these user stories and considerations before I integrate them into the ticket? @FAtherden-eLife do you have any amendments to make to the XML?



fred-atherden commented 5 years ago

@FAtherden-eLife do you have any amendments to make to the XML?

@Melissa37, presumably I do, but I'm not sure exactly what's required here.

@source-data, for this user story:

As an author, I want to link a remotely hosted file (to a panel or figure or document) so that I can share a document associated with files that would be not practicable to move around in particular because of size, legal or controlled access issues.

Is the requirement here just to be able to add an ext-link in the caption or something more akin to the xref for local files? If the latter, please can you let us know if any markup has been proposed/decided upon so that this can be included in the ticket above. (I can't see any XML samples for this in #1245)

tlemberger commented 5 years ago

@oliver---- and @michael need to decide on the suitable xml implementation. In terms of the underlying tagging, it seems to me more akin to ext-link since it refers to external resources. I don't see how xref could be used in this context, but my knowledge is imited.

In terms of UI implementation for the authoring scenario, linking to remote or local files will most likely be somewhat related since the reasons indicated in both user stories are indeed similar: "so that I can easily share in a lossless manner the document (the figure) and its associated files". It should be made clear to the user whether s/he is linking to a remote or local file, but the purpose from the user's point of view is simialr. So, it needs some more specialized implementation than just instering some link somewhere in the caption. It needs to make it clear that this is THE data for THIS particular panel.