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Figures #1280

Open JGilbert-eLife opened 5 years ago

JGilbert-eLife commented 5 years ago


Main figures are present in nearly every research article.

User stories


Production staff


But what if . . . ?

Please provide details of situations that may occur and/or overlap with other features and are not covered in the user stories.


XML requirements

Captured using fig.

<fig id="fig1" position="float">
        <label>Figure 1.</label>
                <title>Single figure: The header of an eLife article example on the HTML page. In the PDf this is represented as a single column.</title>
                <p>text text <tex-math>...</tex-math> ... </p>
        <graphic mimetype="image" mime-subtype="tiff" xlink:href="elife-00666-fig1.tif"/>
                <copyright-statement>&#x00A9; 2016 eLife. All rights reserved</copyright-statement>
                        <license-p>For the purpose having a example of how to tag a separate license for an item, we have indicated in the XML and display this is a copyrighted figure; however it is not.</license-p>

The content of label is (in part) dependent on fig location. If it's in an appendix (say, Appendix 1), then the label is prefaced with 'Appendix 1—', i.e <label>Appendix 1—figure 1.</label>, and if it's placed in boxed text then it's prefaced with the 'Box 1—' i.e <label>Box 1—figure 1.</label>.

fig must be allowed to captured as a child of the following elements:

eLife needs to fig to allow the following child elements:

Example of attrib use:

<fig id="fig1" position="float">
                <title>Sports teams recognize the importance of young players ('rookies') and seasoned veterans working together, and the same is true in science.</title>
        <graphic mime-subtype="tiff" mimetype="image" xlink:href="elife-45734-fig1-v1.tif"/>
        <attrib>Illustration: Ben Marder.</attrib>

Mock ups


fabiobatalha commented 5 years ago

Last minute user stories. (maybe it should be a separated issue to deal with group of figures)

What if

User Stories

XML Sample

  <label>Figure 2</label>
  <caption xml:lang="fr">
    <title>Le programme original du 1<sup>er</sup> congrès octobre 1960</title>
  <fig id="fi6">
    <graphic xlink:href="1861197n.jpg" position="float" content-type="figure"/>
    <graphic xlink:href="1861198n.jpg" position="float" content-type="figure"/>


source-data commented 5 years ago

Here is an extension of the user stories for structured multi-panel figures.

Multi-panel structured figures

EMBO SourceData allows the creation of structured figures where individual panels benefit from all functionalities normally available to figures.

User stories


Melissa37 commented 5 years ago

Hi @NickDuf do you have any comments on these additional user stories before I incorporate them into the main ticket specification at the top?

@FAtherden-eLife any changes required to the XML?

NickDuf commented 5 years ago

@Melissa37 I will take a look this morning.

fred-atherden commented 5 years ago

@Melissa37 I think this user story and consideration informs/greatly affects the discussion in #1281: User story

As an author, I want to group several figures so that I can visually present results as a hierarchy of main vs additional/supplementary/secondary figures.


The user stories above include the SourceData multi-panel figures use case and the eLife’s multi-figure group use case. Current use case do not combine both approaches but making both use cases mutually exclusive would probably not be the best solution for the future.

I don't think we need to add anything to the XML requirements here though based on these user stories.

fred-atherden commented 5 years ago

@Melissa37, @JGilbert-eLife what about Fabio's comment above? Presumably, we need to account for this in some way?

JGilbert-eLife commented 5 years ago

@FAtherden-eLife It sounds like it could be covered by a stricter implementation of what Source Data want to do. Perhaps we can revisit this once Nick's finished looking over their user stories?

@source-data - @NickDuf is going to be out of the office until Monday but he would like to set up a quick phone call to ask a few questions about the user stories you posted above.