Source code associated with the whole article. Covers a wide variety of file types.
User Stories
(1) As an author, I want to be able to see any source code files associated with my article so that I can make sure none are missing.
(2) As an author, I want to be able to download any source code files associated with my articles so that I can check the files themselves are correct.
(3) As an author, I want to be able to update a source code file so that I can fix errors in the file originally supplied.
(4) As an author, I want to be able to edit the title and caption of a source code file, so that I can correct any errors.
(5) As an author, I want to be able to add reference or asset citations to my source code title and legend so that I can cite other articles and assets in this context.
(6) As an author, I want to be able to adjust the type and placement of source code files so that I can ensure that they display correctly within the manuscript. [E.g. change a source code file to source data, or to change it to source code for a figure]
Production staff
(7) As production staff, I want to be able to add source code files so that I can include any missing assets.
(8) As production staff, I want to be able to remove source code files, so that I eliminate anything that has been incorrectly supplied.
(9) As production staff, I want to know why an author has changed a source code file so that I am aware of the reason for the change.
(10) As production staff, I want to provide an explanation for why I am replacing a source code file so that I can record the reason for the change.
But what if . . . ?
The eLife labelling scheme for these files is
Source code 1
Source code 2
Labels will vary from publisher to publisher.
This is a variant of a supplementary file (outlined in this ticket), with a different labelling convention.
XML requirements
Captured as a supplementary-material in back/sec[@sec-type="supplementary-material"] element. The value of the label is 'Source code X.'
<sec sec-type="supplementary-material">
<title>Additional files</title>
<supplementary-material id="scode1">
<label>Source code 1.</label>
<title>R codes used for Bayesian statistical analysis.</title>
<media mime-subtype="zip" mimetype="application" xlink:href=""/>
<supplementary-material id="scode2">
<label>Source code 2.</label>
<title>SAS code used for estimation of gametocyte half-life for gametocytes.</title>
<media mime-subtype="docx" mimetype="application" xlink:href="elife-31549-code2-v1.docx"/>
Source code associated with the whole article. Covers a wide variety of file types.
User Stories
Production staff
But what if . . . ?
XML requirements
Captured as a
element. The value of thelabel
is 'Source code X.'Mock ups