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Abstracts #1297

Open JGilbert-eLife opened 5 years ago

JGilbert-eLife commented 5 years ago


The abstract(s) for an article.

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XML requirements


Structured abstracts must be allowed:


As well as more simple ones:


The main abstract never has any attributes on it in eLife use-case.

Visual abstracts

SciELO use abstract-type="graphical" for graphical abstracts, containing figures:

<abstract abstract-type="graphical">
  <title>Visual Abstract</title>
      <fig id="vf01">
         <graphic xlink:href="1234-5678-zwy-12-04-0123-vs01.tif"/>

And allow title as a child of abstract (see above).

Translated abstracts

The element trans-abstract should be used. It should have an @xml:lang. Simple translated abstract:

  <trans-abstract xml:lang="en">
    <p>This article analyses the language ideological debate surrounding the relationship between the future of the Canadian Francophonie, the quality of the language, and the duty of young people to preserve it. The idea that young people in particular are responsible for the deterioration of a language is part of an old and recurring discourse. We examine its resurgence between the fall of 2012 and the spring of 2013 in Acadie, as seen in media texts that share strong argumentative similarities. Through a critical approach, we show that the positions staked out in this debate draw their legitimacy and authority from the ideological foundations of modern political nationalism, which construe language as the central feature of identity and language proficiency as a skill that is accessible to all.</p>

Translated abstract with sections:

    <trans-abstract xml:lang="en">
            <p>To analyze the association between socioeconomic situation, clinical characteristics referred and the family history of cardiovascular disease, with the Self-perceived health of young adults education and their implications for clinical characteristics observed.</p>
            <p>Analytical study conducted with 501 young adults who are students in countryside city in the Brazilian Northeast. We used binary logistic regression.</p>

Impact statement

Impact statement's should be captured as abstract[@abstract-type="teaser"]

<abstract abstract-type="teaser">
     <p>Crystal structures of the mouse CMP-sialic acid transporter in complex with both CMP and CMP-sialic acid reveal the mechanisms of substrate selectivity and transport.</p>

eLife digest

eLife has content called digests (jargon-free descriptions of the findings in research content). These should be captured as abstract[@abstract-type="executive-summary"]

<abstract abstract-type="executive-summary">
   <title>eLife digest</title>
   <p>The cells in our body are tiny machines which, amongst other things, produce proteins. One of the production steps involves a compartment in the cell called the Golgi, where proteins are tagged and packaged before being sent to their final destination. In particular, sugars can be added onto an immature protein to help to fold it, stabilize it, and to affect how it works.</p>
   <p>Before sugars can be attached to a protein, they need to be ‘activated’ outside of the Golgi by attaching to a small molecule known as a nucleotide. Then, these ‘nucleotide-sugars’ are ferried across the Golgi membrane and inside the compartment by nucleotide-sugar transporters, or NSTs. Humans have seven different kinds of NSTs, each responsible for helping specific types of nucleotide-sugars cross the Golgi membrane. Changes in NSTs are linked to several human diseases, including certain types of epilepsy; these proteins are also important for dangerous microbes to be able to infect cells. Yet, scientists know very little about how the transporters recognize their cargo, and how they transport it.</p>
   <p>To shed light on these questions, Ahuja and Whorton set to uncover for the first time the 3D structure of a mammalian NST using a method known as X-ray crystallography. This revealed how nearly every component of this transporter is arranged when the protein is bound to two different molecules: a specific nucleotide, or a type of nucleotide-sugar. The results help to understand how changes in certain components of the NST can lead to a problem in the way the protein works. Ultimately, this knowledge may be useful to prevent diseases linked to faulty NSTs, or to stop microbes from using the transporters to their own advantage.</p>

Digests will never contain fig, table-wrap, or xref in eLife's use case - it will only contain quite simple paragraphs and formatting elements - p, italic, bold, ext-link, sub, sup, sc, underline.

JATS abstract types -

Mock ups
