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Graphics in table cells #1319

Open fred-atherden opened 5 years ago

fred-atherden commented 5 years ago


Inline graphics within table cells.

User Stories


  1. As an author, I want to be able to see any inline graphics in table cells, so that I can determine that the content is correct.
  2. As an author, I want to be able to add an inline graphic to a table cell so that I can ensure the content is correct and up to date.
  3. As an author, I want to be able to remove an inline graphic from a table cell, so that I can ensure erroneous content is not present.

Production staff

But what if . . . ?


XML requirements

The element inline-graphic should be used. This should be allowed in td and th elements.

        <td valign="bottom"><italic>HAC1</italic><sup>u</sup></td>
        <td valign="bottom">1450*</td>
        <td valign="bottom"><inline-graphic mime-subtype="x-tiff" mimetype="image" xlink:href="elife-42262-inf1-v2"/></td>
        <td valign="bottom">Full-length, genomic <italic>HAC1</italic> transcript</td>

Here's an example of how we would expect this to display.

Mock ups

This is not required, but if you have mock ups of what you would like to see please provide them here.


This will be added by the Texture team after the feature request is discussed and agreed.