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Table footnotes #1323

Open fred-atherden opened 5 years ago

fred-atherden commented 5 years ago

Footnotes appended to table content.

User Stories


  1. As an author, I want to see any footnotes associated with a table so that I can check they are correct.
  2. As an author, I want to be able to add a new footnote to a table so that I can append additional information to the content.
  3. As an author, I want to be able to cite a footnote within a table cell so that I can point readers to this information.
  4. As an author, I want to be able to delete a footnote citation from a table cell so that I can correct errors.
  5. As an author, I want to be able to delete a footnote from a table so that I can correct errors.

Production staff

But what if . . . ?


XML requirements

Any footnotes to tables should be captured in a table-wrap-foot element. They should be contained in an fn-group element.

Footnote indicators in the fn element should be captured in a label element. The indicators in the table itself should be linked (using xref) to the appropriate footnote.

<table-wrap id="table2" position="float">
    <label>Table 2.</label>
        <title>Statistics for the top 20 NMR structures of Dec.</title>
    <table frame="hsides" rules="groups">
              <td valign="top"><italic>RMSD from experimental restraints</italic><xref rid="t-fn-1" ref-type="fn"><sup>*</sup><xref></td>
              <td valign="top"/>
              <td valign="top"/>
              <td valign="top"><italic>RMSD from mean NMR structure</italic></td>
              <td valign="top"><italic>Backbone</italic><xref rid="t-fn-2" ref-type="fn"><sup>†</sup></xref></td>
              <td valign="top"><italic>All Heavy Atoms</italic></td>
              <td valign="top"><italic>Procheck Ramachandran Plot Statistics</italic><xref rid="t-fn-3" ref-type="fn"><sup>§</sup></xref></td>
              <td valign="top"/>
              <td valign="top"/>
            <fn id="table1-fn1"><label><sup>*</sup></label><p>Structures had no NOE violations &gt; 0.5 Å nor dihedral violations &gt; 5 degrees.</p></fn>
            <fn id="table1-fn2"><label><sup>†</sup></label><p>Atoms: Cα, N, C, O.</p></fn>
            <fn id="table1-fn3"><label><sup>§</sup></label><p>Calculated with the PSVS server (<ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href=""></ext-link>) using only the folded parts of Dec (residues 12–89).</p></fn>

There may be cases where an unlinked footnote is needed in a table, for example, if the body of the table is captured as an image or for an overall footnote for the table:

<table-wrap id="table2" position="float">
    <table frame="hsides" rules="groups">
            <p>Note: Behavior assessments used the same animals of the 5 week groups (IF and ELISA).
                Abbreviations: AAV, adeno-associated virus, serotype 2; ELISA, enzyme-linked
                immunosorbent assay; GFP, green fluorescent protein; IF, immunofluorescence; NT-3,

Example published

Érudit example

Érudit capture tables as images, therefore all their footnotes are unlinked:

<table-wrap id="ta2" position="float">
    <label>TABLEAU 2</label>
        <title>Résultats des régressions Tobit</title>
    <graphic xlink:href="table2_figure_1.png">...</graphic>
               <p>Pharmacie, CLSC et organismes communautaires collectant les seringues à moins de 100 mètres (variable muette).</p>
               <p>Poste de quartier à moins de 100 mètres (variable muette).</p>
               <p>Autoroute, nationale, collectrice ou artère.</p>

Published HTML

Mock ups

This is not required, but if you have mock ups of what you would like to see please provide them here.


This will be added by the Texture team after the feature request is discussed and agreed.