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Article citation details #1330

Open JGilbert-eLife opened 5 years ago

JGilbert-eLife commented 5 years ago


The volume, issue, issue title, season and page numbers OR elocation-ID under which the article will be published.

User stories


  1. As an author, I want to be able to see my article's pending citation details so that I can share them before publication.

Production staff

  1. As production staff, I want to be able to check the citation details for the article so that I can confirm they are correct before publication.
  2. As production staff, I want to be able to edit the citation details for the article so that I can change or correct citation details before publication.


  1. As production staff I want to be able to check the citation details to check that no errors were introduced during the digitization and electronic publication process.

But what if . . . ?


XML requirements

Children of <article-meta>


For eLife, the elocation-id is always is same as publisher id prefixed with ‘e’, e.g. for an article with <article-id pub-id-type="publisher-id">46989</article-id>, the elocation-id is


For journals that publish page numbers instead of an elocation-id:


eLife example:

            <pub-date pub-type="collection">

Erudit example:

      <pub-date date-type="collection">
      <issue-title xml:lang="fr">Usages, discours et idéologies linguistiques dans la francophonie canadienne: perspectives sociolinguistiques</issue-title>

The seq attribute can be used to disambiguate documents that start at the same page:

    <fpage seq="a">82</fpage>

There may also be a second translated issue-title:

 <issue-title xml:lang="fr">Usages, discours et idéologies linguistiques dans la francophonie canadienne: perspectives sociolinguistiques</issue-title>
 <issue-title xml:lang="en">Issue title in english</issue-title>

Mock ups


fabiobatalha commented 5 years ago


I think it is complete.

The only comment I do is regarding the issue-title that could have translations. It means more then one issue-title can be available.

 <issue-title xml:lang="fr">Usages, discours et idéologies linguistiques dans la francophonie canadienne: perspectives sociolinguistiques</issue-title>
 <issue-title xml:lang="en">Issue title in english</issue-title>
fred-atherden commented 5 years ago

Thanks @fabiobatalha added above to the XML requirements.