The journal details that are to be included in the XML.
User stories
Production staff
As production staff, I want to be able to see the journal details on an article so that I can check this information is correct.
But what if . . . ?
For eLife, with only one journal to cover, this will be the same boilerplate across all our articles. For mutli-journal publishers, however, this will vary depending on where an article is going to be published.
Èrudit requires further information such as trans-title-group (with trans-title and trans-subtitle), and contrib-group[@content-type="manager"] (containing contributors).
<journal-id journal-id-type="publisher-id">approchesind0522</journal-id>
<journal-title>Approches inductives</journal-title>
<journal-subtitle>Travail intellectuel et construction des connaissances</journal-subtitle>
<trans-title-group xml:lang="en">
<trans-title>Approches inductives (EN)</trans-title>
<trans-subtitle>Travail intellectuel et construction des connaissances (EN)</trans-subtitle>
<trans-title-group xml:lang="pt">
<trans-title>Approches inductives (PT)</trans-title>
<trans-subtitle>Travail intellectuel et construction des connaissances (PT)</trans-subtitle>
<abbrev-journal-title>Appr Ind</abbrev-journal-title>
<contrib-group content-type="manager">
<contrib contrib-type="person">
<contrib contrib-type="person">
<contrib-group content-type="editor">
<contrib contrib-type="person">
<role>rédacteur en chef</role>
<contrib contrib-type="person">
<role>rédacteur en chef</role>
<issn pub-type="epub">2292-0005</issn>
<publisher-name>Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières</publisher-name>
The journal details that are to be included in the XML.
User stories
Production staff
But what if . . . ?
XML requirements
Metadata associated with the journal.
eLife example
Èrudit example
Èrudit requires further information such as
), andcontrib-group[@content-type="manager"]
(containing contributors).Mock ups