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GroovyArcade is an Arch Linux based OS primarily targetting best CRT MAME experience
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MAME hangs loading roms, RA does not #36

Open retrorepair opened 10 months ago

retrorepair commented 10 months ago

For some reason, loading any rom suddenly just doesn't work with mame from AM. It just goes to the cli (with that set mode message). If I leave it for 5 minutes the rom eventually loads but mame seems to be running extremely slow, if there's an initial warning message about the game not working properly, it won't take any input. Hitting the power button still shuts down normally.

RA has no problem launching from AM.

If I got to desktop and load mame directly it works fine so I can only assume it's an AM cmd line setting?

Odd thing is, this started happening without any hardware or software changes and at first didn't always happen but after about 10 rom loads, it's now happening every time on all roms.

retrorepair commented 10 months ago

Just to note, this is after updating through GA setup about 5 days ago but the issue only started about 2 days ago.

substring commented 10 months ago

GM 258 has been pushed, still the same issue ? Can you provide a support archive link so I can check GM logs ?

retrorepair commented 10 months ago

I did a full update and the issue seems to be resolved. I've now noticed both TMNT games run interlaced for some reason, they didn't used to, but mame roms now load fine from AM.

Did you still want the logs to see what's changed?