subtheme-dev / monokai-pro

The unofficial Monokai Pro theme by Subtheme.
MIT License
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Not the same Font as in the Screenshot #3

Closed handkerchief333 closed 4 years ago

handkerchief333 commented 4 years ago

Hi there. Great Work! Thank you very much. I have installed the plugin. PhpStorm 2020.1 Windows 10

The color scheme seems to be legit, but the fonts are different to the screenshot of your project. Is there a difference with the OS or am I missing something?

Thank you very much for helping me.


espositocode commented 4 years ago

The font used in the screenshots is Operator Mono, a paid font.

I can't bundle a font in the plugin, but I can set the default font to use from your system. Its configured here.

This color scheme was forked from the popular Material plugin, and I left the default font as Menlo. But with the recent release of JetBrains Mono, I may switch to that.

But your right, the screenshots are a bit deceiving since they are not using the default font. Maybe when I update the default font, I will also update the screenshots as well. Sorry for the confusion.

espositocode commented 4 years ago

By the way, if your looking for a similar font that's free, check out Dank Mono, and Fira Code.

handkerchief333 commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for your great and fast support. Now it's clear to me.

May I ask you if it is also possible to match the same colors like the original theme? Or is there a technical or copyright reason behind this? Because instead of pink/red, the original theme use a very beautiful blue or cyan color as main highlighted color for e.g. function, if/else or class words.

Thank you again.

espositocode commented 4 years ago

Keep in mind, this plugin has 5 themes bundled in:

When you install the Monokai Pro plugin, I think it defaults to loading the Filter Spectrum theme. (I need to fix that, the default should be Monokai Pro with no filter). Try switching to Monokai Pro without filter, and see if that looks like what you wanted.

The colors should match exactly with the official colors from However, JetBrains and VSCode will probably put the colors in different places, because of how they parse the syntax differently.

handkerchief333 commented 4 years ago

I changed the themes, but the only thing that changes between these themes is the background color, but not the font/sign colors. They are all the same, regardless which theme i choose.



So I asume that's not a correct function of the themes? Is it possible that there are problems with the version 2020.1 or maybe some individual settings (before I installed your theme) in my phpstorm?

If I switch back to Monokai Pro without filter, then the editor shows up exactly like the theme with filter Ristretto. Strange... I can't go back to a black background like my first screenshot in my first comment (that was already Monokai Pro without filter.)

espositocode commented 4 years ago

The text colors do change, but very subtly. If you look at, and click back/forth between the filter examples on the website, you will see the text colors barely change.

Also keep in mind when switching themes, you have to change both the Ul theme (from Appearance and Behavior), and also the color scheme (from Color Scheme Font). Maybe you have them mismatched?

handkerchief333 commented 4 years ago

Ok I see. And I was wrong with my last paragraph. Now I can setting this up how I like it, thanks again. You are the fastest responser on Github :)

PS: One last tip for a better usabilty. If you are hovering menus and submenus, there are no highlights, so it's not easy to see where you are with your mouse. It would be great if there is for example a yellow font hover effect.

espositocode commented 4 years ago

Yea, I think your referring to this issue that I need to work on: