The color scheme I use is 'Filter Spectrum' in monokai-pro. When using code hints, the first line is highlighted in the same color as the background color of the entire code editor, which makes it not easy to see the first line hints(often what I want) in the whole editing interface. And the first sight is the part other than the first line. Thanks.
Application & System:
PyCharm2022.2.1 on Mac OS 12.3
Describe The color scheme I use is 'Filter Spectrum' in monokai-pro. When using code hints, the first line is highlighted in the same color as the background color of the entire code editor, which makes it not easy to see the first line hints(often what I want) in the whole editing interface. And the first sight is the part other than the first line. Thanks.
Application & System: PyCharm2022.2.1 on Mac OS 12.3