subtleGradient / language-javascript-jsx

JavaScript with JSX Bundle for Atom
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"let" keyword color scheme #43

Open tholander opened 7 years ago

tholander commented 7 years ago

The keyword "let" isn't considered as a keyword such as var, so the color scheme isn't the same as for "var" capture

joepie91 commented 6 years ago

Same issue here.

codeblooded commented 6 years ago

I think this could be fixed by pulling the latest language-javascript csons, and adding the JSX support on top of that.

olafur-palsson commented 6 years ago

The fix is pretty easy to do, under literal-keywords in the javascript-cson and change the lines to this below. :)

    'match': '\\b(boolean|byte|char|class|const|double|enum|float|function|int|interface|let|long|short|var|void)\\b'

    'match': '\\b(export|extends|final|implements|native|private|protected|public|static|synchronized|throws|transient|volatile)\\b'