subttle / kleene

Kleene Algebra (Kozen axioms)
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Add rules for bisimulation, sliding, and denesting #1

Open subttle opened 4 years ago

subttle commented 4 years ago

Roughly these rules which depend on a proof ax≡xb

bisimulation : ∀ {a b x : A} → a   ∙ x ≡ x ∙ b
                             → a * ∙ x ≡ x ∙ b *
bisimulation {a} {b} {x} ax≡xb = {!   !}

And then something like this (but I should double check):

-- sliding rule
sliding : ∀ {a b : A} → (a ∙ b) * ≡ a ∙ (b ∙ a) *
sliding {a} {b} = {!   !}
-- denesting rule
denesting : ∀ {x y z : A} → (x + y) * ≡ x * ∙ (y ∙ x *) *
denesting = {!   !}
subttle commented 4 years ago

Also, perhaps the Church-Rosser theorem:

  church-rosser : ∀ {a b : A} → b * ∙ a * ≤ a * ∙ b * → (a + b) * ≤ a * ∙ b *
  church-rosser = {!   !}

See "Church-Rosser Made Easy" by D. Kozen

There are also papers by Georg Struth (et. al) on Church-Rosser via Kleene Algebra, slides:

"Kleene Algebra" by Alasdair Armstrong, Georg Struth, Tjark Weber

subttle commented 4 years ago

Arden's lemma: Let R, S, T be regular languages where ε∉S. Then, we have that R ≡ S · R + T iff R ≡ S∗ · T

from "Solving of Regular Equations Revisited (extended version)"