subu250 / IndieCosmeticProducts

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Design/Code Review 1 #5

Open palmerlarson opened 2 years ago

palmerlarson commented 2 years ago

Design/Code Review 1

Project: IndieCosmeticProducts

Developer: Subheksha Karki

Reviewer: Palmer Larson

Item Considerations Comments/Suggestions
Reviewer comments and suggestions go here. Each item should have at least one "kudos" and two suggestions for improvement
Problem Statement 1. Accurately describes project purpose
2. Is professional and free of typos, slang, etc.
3. Fully explains the problem and the solution
4. Is understandable by the average person
Kudos: Your problem statement expresses what you want out of this project.
Suggestions: I suggest running it through something like Grammarly to check for any punctuation errors. Also, When you say "our mission" at the beginning of your problem statement, it sounds more along the lines of a mission statement (which isn't bad) but I'd suggest staying more focused on the problem in the statement.
Design Documentation 1. Navigation/flow through the application is logical and easy to use.
2. The order in which values are displayed are logical and easy to understand/use
3. The order in which the form fields entered are logical and easy to understand/use
4. All data discussed/documented (problem statement, flow, db design, etc.) is represented on the screens
Kudos: It looks to me like you have a solid plan on where you want to go with this project!
Suggestions: I'd suggest moving your db design out of wireframes and having that in a separate directory. I'd also suggest adding more precise dates to your project plan (mainly for checkpoints as those dates aren't usually at the end of the week) so you know the exact dates those are due.
Data model/Database 1. Everything on the screens and problem statement/flow is represented in the model
2. There is at least one 1-to-many relationship.
3. The model represents good database design
Kudos: I really like your design.
Suggestions: I suggest having a relation from product to order so the type of product can be tracked in the order. Also I'm assuming the orders to user relation is a many-to-one relation? I'd suggest expressing that in the diagram.
Code 1. Proper Maven project structure is used
2. a .gitignore file for IntelliJ Java projects has been implemented
3. There is not any redundant or copy/paste code in the JSPs or classes
4. Classes are appropriately-sized (no monster classes)
Property files are used appropriately: no hard-coded values
5. Logging statements are used rather than System.out.println and printStackTrace.
6. There are appropriate unit tests/code coverage.
Kudos: Your file structure looks great and the code you have so far looks standard!
Suggestions: I suggest adding a gitignore file to your main directory in your repo (it might have gotten lost, mine did). I noticed in the Database file in testUtils that it's commented that the @author is pwaite. Overall, a great looking project so far!
pawaitemadisoncollege commented 2 years ago

@palmerlarson and @subu250 Some sneaky print statements, here's a good way to track them all down in one go: