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re-enable and document branch protection and workflow #209

Closed maxheld83 closed 4 years ago

maxheld83 commented 4 years ago

@subugoe/hybrid just FYI I have now enabled branch protection for master. This means that only @njahn82 and myself can actually git push to master, including the results of git merge.

All future changes to the project, including by myself and @njahn82 should first exist on separate branches (so-called "feature branches"). When they're ready, the author can open a pull request towards master, and I will then review the pull request before merging it into master, where it would then go live.

This is a common precaution and productive workflow for software dev.

This way, everyone can hack away at whatever they like to work on, without a) possibly breaking anything and b) getting in each other's way.

More information about this paradigm can be found under the headings "git flow" and "feature branching" all over the internet and github.

Two things to keep in mind:

  1. Only ever branch of off master for your new feature branch.
  2. Remember to periodically merge in new changes from master into your feature-foo branch.
  3. It's always good to first discuss ideas in an issue or an early pull request marked as draft (these can be opened right away and remain as draft until ready).