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How to identify and deal with supplements like conference abstracts? #6

Open njahn82 opened 6 years ago

njahn82 commented 6 years ago


Publisher page

njahn82 commented 6 years ago

Using the data dump for hybrid oa articles, it seems that it is not that common:

all_df <- jsonlite::stream_in(file("~/Downloads/hybrid_licence_md.json"), verbose = FALSE)

as_data_frame(all_df) %>% bind_rows(.$md) %>% distinct(DOI, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% 
  filter(grepl("[:a-z:]", issue)) %>% count(container.title, publisher, issue)
#> # A tibble: 9 x 4
#>   container.title                                  publisher   issue     n
#>   <chr>                                            <chr>       <chr> <int>
#> 1 BJU International                                Wiley-Blac… 6b        1
#> 2 Cerebrovascular Diseases                         S. Karger … s1        6
#> 3 Clinical Infectious Diseases                     Oxford Uni… supp…     5
#> 4 Clinical Infectious Diseases                     Oxford Uni… supp…     9
#> 5 International Archives of Allergy and Immunology S. Karger … s2        1
#> 6 Medical Physics                                  Wiley-Blac… 6Par…    18
#> 7 Medical Physics                                  Wiley-Blac… 8Par…    15
#> 8 Schizophrenia Bulletin                           Oxford Uni… supp…   999
#> 9 Transfusion                                      Wiley-Blac… 3pt2      4

However, non-OA articles need to be checked as well.