subuser-security / subuser

Run programs on linux with selectively restricted permissions.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Question: does subuser support podman? #360

Closed denknorr closed 2 years ago

denknorr commented 2 years ago

Hello, does subuser support podman? or will subuser not be developed anymore? is there an alternative?

timthelion commented 2 years ago

Subuser doesn't support podman, that doesn't mean that subuser is out of date. Docker is still fully functional. If you don't care about security you can use flatpack, appimage or snap. I think there is a project called firejail as a security alternative, as well as of course qubesos

denknorr commented 2 years ago

wait, do you say, podman is not secure? can you give a reasoning or example for that?

Edit: i did want to come across arrogant, sorry if it seemed like that, i just thought that most people start switching from docker away as docker becomes more closed off in their programm/commercial attitude

timthelion commented 2 years ago

I don't know if podman is secure or not, I said that flatpak, snap and appimage can't contain untrusted apps securely...

denknorr commented 2 years ago

yes and because of that i wanted to look into subuser, but as i use podman (instead of docker) i asked whether podman was supported.

i think the rest was a premature assumption, so again, i am sorry. and i think podman (which is a container replacement for docker) is not supported and also not on the roadmap.

Thanks for answering my questions :)