sucese / phoenix

The one-stop solution for taking pictures / videos, picture / video selection, editing and compression on the Android platform.
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压缩5分钟的视频需要多久。。 #26

Open wuxiaoqiang625 opened 6 years ago

wuxiaoqiang625 commented 6 years ago


sucese commented 6 years ago


wuxiaoqiang625 commented 6 years ago

这么牛。。我用ffmpeg做了压缩。。 1分45秒左右,253M ,用了2分钟多钟才压缩好。。。。,麻烦问下大佬如何操作的了。。

sucese commented 6 years ago


wuxiaoqiang625 commented 6 years ago

哦哦 受教了。。。

wang2793312458 commented 6 years ago

大哥, 你的视频压缩做的