suchestoncampbelllab / gwasurvivr

GWAS Survival Package in R
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Regarding to a function for PH assumption test and interpretation for resulting files #11

Open kateishim opened 4 years ago

kateishim commented 4 years ago


I have two questions about using gwasurvivr.

1) Is there a way to test the proportional hazards assumption for each covariate included in a Cox regression model fit using gwasurvivr? (e.g. cox.zph() function in survival package)

2) From output files, I found SNPs with SAMP_MAF > 0.005 in both .snps_removed file and .coxph file. (I applied the option maf.filter=0.005) I don't understand why there are SNPs with SAMP_MAF > 0.005 in .snps_removed file and the SNPs in .snp_removed file are also included in .coxph file.

Here are printed messages from the analysis:

11191 SNPs were removed from the analysis for not meeting the given threshold criteria or for having MAF = 0 List of removed SNPs are saved to /data1/ishim/Project/chr22.snps_removed In total 118041 SNPs were included in the analysis The Cox model results output was saved to /data1/ishim/Project/chr22.coxph

Parts of chr22.snps_removed: 스크린샷 2020-08-18 오전 11 23 04

Parts of chr22.coxph: 스크린샷 2020-08-18 오전 11 23 04

I found only 4 SNPs with SAMP_MAF < 0.005 in .snp_removed files for all chromosomes as below. 스크린샷 2020-08-18 오후 1 30 56

Strangely, the four SNPs have different values of SAMP_MAF in .coxph files. 스크린샷 2020-08-18 오후 1 34 14

Can I include SNPs in .snps_removed files for my further analysis?

Thank you so much for your help!