suchnsuch / Tangent

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Create a "Structure Mode" for editing. #62

Open taylorhadden opened 2 months ago

taylorhadden commented 2 months ago

The basic concept is that you can shift between a standard text-based editing mode and a block-based editing mode. Perhaps you toggle with Mod+L/Mod+Shift+L/Mod+Alt+L for "Line".

Once in this mode,

This could also be combined with other shortcuts for modifying list forms and other block-level constructs.

Thyverity commented 2 months ago

While I do not disagree on the usefulness, I believe that having a separate mode detracts from a fluid editing experience by creating additional steps to a goal. One way to minimize that I would suggest is to drop the mod key entirely in favor of having simple single key sequences (not pressing keys at the same time) when not in edit mode. For example pressing l u for unordered list and l o for ordered list, i k to insert a link, etc, in this case there are more keybind options because you can have more action associated with a given letter.

Thyverity commented 2 months ago

A idea is to use a menu key to open a context menu that you navigate through the mentioned keys sequences without a mouse, and removing the need for a separate mode. That context menu can contain descriptions of commands so that it is intuitive to use and self informative. Edit: I have noticed that I just described the command palette accidentally.