suchow / Dissertate

Beautiful LaTeX dissertation templates.
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Glossary #28

Open NatMota opened 9 years ago

NatMota commented 9 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to add a glossary after the list of contents to no avail. What would be the best way to go about this?

Thanks in advance.

suchow commented 9 years ago

Try using this package:

What I did was to create a new chapter called nomenclature.tex, that looks like this:

% A list of symbols used in the dissertation

\nomenclature{$s$}{Stability threshold in the generalized Moran process}
\nomenclature{$s$}{The current state in a Markov decision process}
\nomenclature{\textsc{cie}}{Decsription of symbol}
\nomenclature{$K$}{Number of objects that are presented}
\nomenclature{$N$}{Number of quanta of the mnemonic commodity}
\nomenclature{$L$}{Luce choice exponent}
\nomenclature{\emph{L}*\emph{a}*\emph{b}*}{Description of symbol}
\nomenclature{$S$}{State space for a Markov decision process}
\nomenclature{$A$}{Set of possible actions for a Markov decision process}
\nomenclature{$a$}{The action taken in a Markov decision process}

then add these lines to the main .cls file:

\renewcommand{\nomname}{Abbreviations, symbols and nomenclature}

and then add this line to the main dissertation.tex file:
