sudar / email-log

Email Log is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to log all emails that are sent through WordPress.
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Add custom update icons #183

Open sudar opened 5 years ago

sudar commented 5 years ago

mariadanieldeepak commented 5 years ago


Here is my analysis on the update icons so far.

This update icons is only applicable on the Updates screen which can be reached using DashboardUpdates


There are two places where we have to make the code changes.

  1. On (or where EDD and EDD SL is installed)

 * Filter the EDD license response data to include icons for our Downloads.
 * This has to be run from your server.
 * For testing, you may have to clear edd_api_request_{%} transient key (3 hours) on the client side.
 * @param (array) $response - All response data (e.g. new_version, package, etc.)
 * @param (object) $download - EDD_SL_Download
 * @return (array) $response
 * @author Ren Ventura (
function rv_eddsl_api_response_add_update_icons( $response, $download ) {

    // Retrieve icon URLs

    $response['icons'] = serialize( array(
        'svg' => '',
        '1x' => '',
        '2x' => '',
        'default' => ''
    ) );

    return $response;

add_filter( 'edd_sl_license_response', 'rv_eddsl_api_response_add_update_icons', 5, 2 );

The following are the action items from Step 1.

  1. The add-on (Plugin)

 * Filter the transient data for our plugin's icons.
 * Since icons are passed back as serialized arrays, we need to unserialize them.
 * This has to be run from within your plugin.
 * @param (object) $transient - Full transient data
 * @return (object) $transient
 * @author Ren Ventura (
function rv_update_plugins_transient_unserialize_icons( $transient ) {

    if ( is_object( $transient ) && isset( $transient->response ) && is_array( $transient->response ) ) {

        $basename = plugin_basename( __FILE__ );

        // Received a response for our plugin
        $plugin = isset( $transient->response[$basename] ) ? $transient->response[$basename] : new stdClass;

        // Are there any icons set for the plugin?
        if ( isset( $plugin->icons ) ) {
            $icons = is_string( $plugin->icons ) ? unserialize( $plugin->icons ) : $plugin->icons;
            $transient->response[$basename]->icons = $icons;

    return $transient;
add_filter( 'pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins', 'rv_update_plugins_transient_unserialize_icons', 99 );