On the branch, this section is rewritten so the anchor can be styled as a block, and inherit the shape of its contents:
Fixes #1059
On iOS, maybe due to some specific font nuance, this caret was jumping down to the next line. I rewrote the double space before the caret more explicitly with to fix it.
Fixes #1058
This was brought up by childhoodsend, but also very noticeable using AT on portrait iPad, 768px wide, as well as an iPhone with a 320px wide view.
The current solution on the branch was to add an alternate text for those 2 width ranges, Narrow 2 column view, and small mobile phone. But maybe there's a better fix?
This brings up perhaps that the Percy mobile view should be smaller, as this text change made it through Percy?
Fixes #1053
This is illustrated in the Issues, with alter ego as the example. The branch code moves where that css margin style is, so a track view without comments doesn't collapse:
The other change is to slightly update the Toggle drag sliders on Edit playlist, so they aren't transparent and very broken on dark theme. Also, the original design from Figma seemed to have been lost somewhere along the way, with an extra element. Some other UI elements, X and +I don't think have dark theme designs in Sigma, so right now, I kept the toggles universal, same for white and dark.
Does anything special need to happen for deployment?
"Ready For Review" checklist
These checklists are to help ensure the code review basics are covered. Consider removing to reduce noise.
[ ] PR title accurately summarizes changes
[ ] New tests were added for isolated methods or new endpoints
[ ] I opened an issue for any logical followups
[ ] If this fixes a bug, "Fixes #XXX" is either the very first or very last line of the description.
Before code review and after additional commits during review.
[ ] Update title and description to account for additional changes
[ ] All tests green
[ ] Migrations were tested locally and do the right thing
[ ] Booted up the branch locally, exercised any new code
[ ] Percy changes are purposeful or explained
[ ] Css changes are happy on mobile (via Percy is ok)
Fixes #1061
Clicking play on iPad reveals this anchor shape.
On the branch, this section is rewritten so the anchor can be styled as a block, and inherit the shape of its contents:
Fixes #1059
On iOS, maybe due to some specific font nuance, this caret was jumping down to the next line. I rewrote the double space before the caret more explicitly with to fix it.
Fixes #1058
This was brought up by childhoodsend, but also very noticeable using AT on portrait iPad, 768px wide, as well as an iPhone with a 320px wide view.
The current solution on the branch was to add an alternate text for those 2 width ranges, Narrow 2 column view, and small mobile phone. But maybe there's a better fix?
This brings up perhaps that the Percy mobile view should be smaller, as this text change made it through Percy?
Fixes #1053
This is illustrated in the Issues, with alter ego as the example. The branch code moves where that css margin style is, so a track view without comments doesn't collapse:
The other change is to slightly update the Toggle drag sliders on Edit playlist, so they aren't transparent and very broken on dark theme. Also, the original design from Figma seemed to have been lost somewhere along the way, with an extra element. Some other UI elements, X and +I don't think have dark theme designs in Sigma, so right now, I kept the toggles universal, same for white and dark.
Does anything special need to happen for deployment?
"Ready For Review" checklist
These checklists are to help ensure the code review basics are covered. Consider removing to reduce noise.
Before code review and after additional commits during review.