Open reFX-Mike opened 1 year ago
Right now the panels aren’t resizable vertically. How would you feel about being able to collapse the box model? Maybe on collapse we can then make the preview a full square?
I would like both. So we can drag in between panels to resize them and also collapse the ones we don’t want/need.
Ok, I've been trying to avoid manually resizable panels. They tend to be fiddley for users, get into ugly states, add additional design complexity, etc. That being said, there's already an issue with the color section when it has > 10 colors. I do like this pattern for colors (Figma):
(In Figma, you can't adjust section height but the whole sidebar is scrollable)
I'll give it some thought. Maybe just a toggle for the preview to switch between full square and the size it is now.
Right now it’s very short and wide. I would love to be able to make it a bit taller and make the dimension display above a lot smaller.