sudara / pamplejuce

A JUCE audio plugin template. JUCE 7, Catch2, Pluginval, macOS notarization, Azure Trusted Signing, Github Actions
MIT License
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cmake_ctest.yml : fails to clone private submodule #58

Closed mikelange49 closed 8 months ago

mikelange49 commented 9 months ago


I'm trying to add a submodule from a private repo. This submodule, as well as my pamplejuce project, are in a github organization.

cmake_ctest.yml action fails on cloning that repo : remote: Repository not found.

For now I'm trying to fix it using webfactory/ssh-agent If I succeed, I'll post here.

Meanwhile, if anyone has already done it, please share.

mikelange49 commented 9 months ago

This worked for me :

I replaced

    - name: Checkout code
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
        submodules: true # Get JUCE populated


    - name: Checkout code (no submodules)
      uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: Add SSH private keys for submodule repositories
      uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.7.0
        ssh-private-key: |
          ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_REPO_1_SECRET }}
          ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_REPO_2_SECRET }}

    - name: Update submodules
      run: git submodule update --init --recursive

Useful help :

@sudara Shall I close the issue ? Or would you like to try it and update cmake_ctest.yml if it works ?

sudara commented 9 months ago

Glad you figured it out!

Let's leave this open for now. I'll tag it for some improved documentation I'm thinking about writing. The only other way I can think of including it in the repo is to have a commented out example (unideal for the main yml).... I am thinking about breaking apart the yml similarly to the cmake though...