sudarshan2401 / pe

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Deleting person not added into meeting yet #6

Open sudarshan2401 opened 8 months ago

sudarshan2401 commented 8 months ago

Command: deletecontact

Description: When trying to delete a contact who has not been added to the meeting, the error message given is not accurate and can confuse the user especially since they do not have access to the list of contacts since they would be in the contacts mode.

Steps to Reproduce:

[Step 1] add contact named John Doe

[Step 2] switch to meeting mod

[Step 3] deletecontact n/ John Doe m/Project Discussion

Expected Behavior: The error message states that the contact has not been added to the meeting yet.

Actual Behavior: Error message states that "The person specified is not created"

Screenshots/Logs (if applicable):


nus-pe-bot commented 7 months ago

Team's Response

Thank you for raising the issue of lack of specificity on the user feedback box when deleting a person not yet added into the meeting.

I was previously aware of this but changing the user command box is not allowed in v1.4.

Therefore, i have defined this behavior in the UG:


This issues will be considered in future iterations albeit out of scope in v1.4.

Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue response

Team chose [response.NotInScope]

Reason for disagreement: The issue is still in scope despite your response of "I was previously aware of this but changing the user command box is not allowed in v1.4." as the teaching team defined the "not in scope" response only if

In addition, the following (at least one) need to be satisfied: The UG specifies it as not supported or coming in a future version. The user cannot attempt to use the missing feature or when the user does so, the software fails gracefully, possibly with a suitable error message i.e., the software should not crash.

In the UG, it was not mentioned that the error message for deleting a contact who has not been added to the meeting would result in an incorrect error message. Instead it only mentions if the "CONTACT_NAME" does not exist. In this case, the "CONTACT_NAME" does exist but still results in the same error message. On top of this, within the acceptable values section, it only mentions that the "CONTACT_NAME" must exist within the contact list which in this scenario it satisfies. Also, the screenshot provided in the response is for Adding a contact into a meeting whereas the issue is in Removing a contact from a meeting.

As such, I disagree and believe that this bug is within the scope.

## :question: Issue severity Team chose [`severity.Low`] Originally [`severity.Medium`] - [x] I disagree **Reason for disagreement:** I disagree that the bug is of Low severity, as the definition of a Medium severity bug is `A flaw that causes occasional inconvenience to some users but they can continue to use the product.` whereas Low severity is `A flaw that is unlikely to affect normal operations of the product. Appears only in very rare situations and causes a minor inconvenience only.` I believe that the issue of trying to remove a contact who is not in the meeting is a genuine problem that would occur and is likely to affect operations, especially since the application operates in 2 states, one for viewing contacts and one for viewing meetings and even a small typo in the name of the contact would result in the same error message as removing someone who genuinely exists but is maybe in another meeting instead of the one you are trying to modify. As such, it would cause occasional inconvenience and hence I believe it is of Medium severity.