sudharsan-selvaraj / appium-dashboard-plugin

Appium plugin that provides complete test logs, video recording of test and device logs(logcat and syslogs) for easy debugging.
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Appium Dashboard has no Sessions in Hub + Node setup of Device Farm #128

Open ValzRon opened 1 year ago

ValzRon commented 1 year ago


i've noticed that the Appium Dashboard remains empty when I run sessions with a hub + node configuration of device farm. Currently im running device farm with one hub and 8 nodes in a Kubernetes cluster. It uses ConfigMap to dynamicly apply the hub/node config. This is for the hub:

apiVersion: v1
  appium-config.yaml: |
      relaxed-security: true
      base-path: /wd/hub
      keep-alive-timeout: 800
      port: 4723
        - device-farm
        - appium-dashboard
          platform: android
kind: ConfigMap
  name: device-farm-hub-cm
  namespace: default

and this is for the node:

apiVersion: v1
  appium-config.yaml: |
      relaxed-security: true
      base-path: /wd/hub
      keep-alive-timeout: 800
      port: 4723
        - device-farm
        - appium-dashboard
          platform: android
          hub: http://device-farm-hub.default.svc.cluster.local:4723
kind: ConfigMap
  name: device-farm-node-cm
  namespace: default

This works just fine. I also configured that the service is reachable via port 31337 not 4723, so I can lookup --> "" and "".

Im using: Appium beta.64 Appium Dashboard 2.02 Device-Farm 7.2 The 8 nodes all have an Android Emulator with API23 (so fairly old) and Espresso 2.15.0

Does Dashboard even work in this kind of setup? Has it been tested for remote execution? I can provide additional logs if necessary.

sudharsan-selvaraj commented 1 year ago

Currently appium-dashboard plugin won't work well with Hub + Node setup. The logs and videos can only be saved in node level and in the hub you wont see any session details.

win5923 commented 1 year ago

@ValzRon Hi, May I ask how to build Appium on k8s?

ValzRon commented 1 year ago

@win5923 create a Dockerfile with Appium and its Dependencies and deploy the image on a pod. Copy and paste a start server script with needed parameters (like plugins, relaxed security etc.) or create a yaml/json config and pass it into your start server command.

Im running a pod with only Appium and device-farm plugin that serves as a hub and a handful of pods running Appium + device-farm + espresso driver with emulators as node.