sudharsan-selvaraj / appium-dashboard-plugin

Appium plugin that provides complete test logs, video recording of test and device logs(logcat and syslogs) for easy debugging.
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Custom Capability does not work #139

Open fury3698 opened 5 months ago

fury3698 commented 5 months ago


Thank you for the great dash board.

Due to the limited storage, I do not want to record the video, but just stream it.

Here is my code, but it does not work.

def setUp(self) -> None: super(TestAppium, self).setUp()
options = AppiumOptions() options.load_capabilities({ "platformName": "android", "appium:automationName": "uiautomator2", "appium:ensureWebviewsHavePages": True, "appium:nativeWebScreenshot": True, "appium:newCommandTimeout": 180, "appium:connectHardwareKeyboard": True, "appium:udid": selected_device, "appium:eventTimings": True, "appium:printPageSourceOnFindFailure": True, "appium:appWaitForLaunch": False, "noReset": True, "takesScreenshot": False, "nativeWebScreenshot": False, "dashboard:enableVideoRecording": False,
}) self.driver1 = webdriver.Remote("", options=options)

Any advice plz?

Thank you.

sudharsan-selvaraj commented 5 months ago

can you make sure you are using appium-dashboard version 2.0.3?

nskcashHH commented 3 months ago

can you make sure you are using appium-dashboard version 2.0.3?

I am using version 2.0.3 and noticed that "dashboard:enableLiveVideo" "dashboard:enableVideoRecording" do not work if you run the appium server with two plugins at once --use-plugins=device-farm,appium-dashboard, if you run only with appium-dashboard, then the capability changes work.