sudharsan-selvaraj / appium-dashboard-plugin

Appium plugin that provides complete test logs, video recording of test and device logs(logcat and syslogs) for easy debugging.
113 stars 28 forks source link

attempt to write a readonly database #146

Open jungpaeng opened 1 month ago

jungpaeng commented 1 month ago

appium --use-plugin='appium-dashboard'

[Appium] Attempting to load plugin appium-dashboard...
[Appium] Requiring plugin at /Users/
[Appium] AppiumDashboardPlugin has been successfully loaded in 0.693s
[ADB] Found 1 'build-tools' folders under '/Users/' (newest first):
[ADB]     /Users/
[ADB] Using 'adb' from '/Users/'
[ADB] Running '/Users/ -P 5037 start-server'
[Appium] Welcome to Appium v2.9.0
[Appium] Non-default server args:
[Appium] {
[Appium]   usePlugins: [
[Appium]     'appium-dashboard'
[Appium]   ]
[Appium] }
[Appium] The autodetected Appium home path: /Users/
[Appium] Attempting to load driver xcuitest...
[Appium] Attempting to load driver uiautomator2...
[Appium] Requiring driver at /Users/
[Appium] XCUITestDriver has been successfully loaded in 0.284s
[Appium] Requiring driver at /Users/
[Appium] AndroidUiautomator2Driver has been successfully loaded in 0.541s
(node:30809) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 exit listeners added to [process]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
[appium-dashboard] Dashboard plugin is enabled and will be served at http://localhost:4723/dashboard
[appium-dashboard] If the appium server is started with different port other than 4723, then use the correct port number to access the device farm dashboard
[Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on
[Appium] You can provide the following URLs in your client code to connect to this server:
[Appium] (only accessible from the same host)
[Appium] Available drivers:
[Appium]   - xcuitest@7.17.4 (automationName 'XCUITest')
[Appium]   - uiautomator2@3.5.3 (automationName 'UiAutomator2')
[Appium] Available plugins:
[Appium]   - device-farm@8.4.7-rc.18
[Appium]   - appium-dashboard@v2.0.3 (ACTIVE)
uncaughtException: SQLITE_READONLY: attempt to write a readonly database
    at Database.<anonymous> (/Users/
    at /Users/
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at (/Users/
    at /Users/
    at SQLiteQueryInterface.bulkUpdate (/Users/
    at Function.update (/Users/
jungpaeng commented 1 month ago

Not reproduced when running commands with sudo

halilcifteci commented 1 month ago

You must delete cache and reinstall dashboard plugin. /Users/username/.cache