sudhaus7 / typo3-picture

TYPO3 Extension to add image variations to the backend and frontend
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[REQ] usage within TypoScript cObject:IMAGE #7

Open xerc opened 4 years ago

xerc commented 4 years ago

is it possible to use this EXT with IMAGE

temp.teaser = IMAGE
temp.teaser {
  file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier} = file:current:crop
foppelfb commented 4 years ago

I will check this deeper, but as a first response: not in the way the example is written, as this reads a sys_file, and the extension is solely based on sys_file_references. But IMAGE uses imgResource which can read sys_file_references. Another route might be using the FILES cObject, which again can read sys_file_references. I will try to check this.

xerc commented 4 years ago

^^ was only a snipped // this is be the full impl.

  temp.teaser = FILES
  temp.teaser {
    references {
      table = pages
      fieldName = media
      data = levelmedia:-1
      treatIdAsReference = 1
    maxItems = 1

    renderObj = CASE
    renderObj { = file:current:extension

      svg = TEXT = file:current:publicUrl

      default = IMAGE
      default {
        file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier} = file:current:crop
dogawaf commented 3 years ago

FILES can be replaced with a FLUIDTEMPLATE and a DataProcessor. The template will then use typo3-picture's VH?

xerc commented 3 years ago

would be better not not use a file based template and extra PHP