Closed hatemhosny closed 2 months ago
@hatemhosny Thank you for your words. I like LiveCodes playground for this repo. Can you assist with integrating playground?
@sudheerj I'm glad you like LiveCodes.
LiveCodes can be used to demonstrate your code more than one way. These are examples that I quickly came up with:
Embed a playground in a webpage that loads your code and run it.
(edit in LiveCodes)
Add links to playground e.g. in repo README
array/containerWithMostWater: implementation - playground
array/containsDuplicate: implementation - playground
array/maxCircularSubArray: implementation - playground
array/maxProductSubArray: implementation - playground
array/maxSubArray: implementation - playground
array/minRotatedSortedArray: implementation - playground
array/productExceptSelf: implementation - playground
array/rotate: implementation - playground
array/searchRotatedSortedArray: implementation - playground
array/threeSum: implementation - playground
doublyLinkedlist/SwapNodePairs: implementation - playground
doublyLinkedlist/palindromeCheck: implementation - playground
doublyLinkedlist/swapFirstAndLast: implementation - playground
hashtable/duplicates: implementation - playground
hashtable/findTwoSumIndices: implementation - playground
hashtable/firstNonRepeatingCharacter: implementation - playground
hashtable/groupAnagrams: implementation - playground
hashtable/verifyCommonElements: implementation - playground
linkedlist/binaryToDecimal: implementation - playground
linkedlist/detectLoop: implementation - playground
linkedlist/findKthNodeFromEnd: implementation - playground
linkedlist/findMiddleNode: implementation - playground
linkedlist/partitionList: implementation - playground
linkedlist/removeDuplicates: implementation - playground
linkedlist/reverseSubstring: implementation - playground
queue/enqueueDequeueWithStacks: implementation - playground
sorting/bubbleSortLinkedlist: implementation - playground
sorting/mergeTwoSortedLists: implementation - playground
sorting/selectionSortLinkedlist: implementation - playground
stack/balancedBrackets: implementation - playground
stack/sortStack: implementation - playground
strings/greatestCommonDivisor: implementation - playground
strings/longestRepeatingCharReplacement: implementation - playground
strings/longestSubstringWithoutRepeatingChar: implementation - playground
strings/mergeStringsAlternately: implementation - playground
strings/minWindowSubstring: implementation - playground
strings/validAnagram: implementation - playground
doublyLinkedlist/class/doublyLinkedlist: implementation - playground
doublyLinkedlist/class/node: implementation - playground
graphs/unweighted_undirected: implementation - playground
hashtable/hashtable: implementation - playground
linkedlist/Node: implementation - playground
linkedlist/class/linkedList: implementation - playground
linkedlist/class/node: implementation - playground
queue/queue_array: implementation - playground
queue/queue_with_linkedlist: implementation - playground
queue/queue_with_stacks: implementation - playground
stack/stack_with_array: implementation - playground
stack/stack_with_linkedlist: implementation - playground
trees/binary_search_tree: implementation - playground
bubbleSort/bubbleSort: implementation - playground
heapSort/heapSort: implementation - playground
insertionSort/insertionSort: implementation - playground
mergeSort/mergeSort: implementation - playground
quickSort/quickSort: implementation - playground
radixSort/radixSort: implementation - playground
selectionSort/selectionSort: implementation - playground
01-bubbleSort/BubbleSort: implementation - playground
02-selectionSort/SelectionSort: implementation - playground
03-insertionSort/InsertionSort: implementation - playground
04-mergeSort/MergeSort: implementation - playground
06-quickSort/QuickSort: implementation - playground
07-heapSort/HeapSort: implementation - playground
08-radixSort/RadixSort: implementation - playground
Please let me know what you think.
@hatemhosny Thank you for the details. Do you support Java language as well? Also, how do we show if an algorithm exists in multiple files?
Hello @sudheerj
Do you support Java language as well?
Currently, Java is not "yet" supported, because I'm not able to compile/run Java in the browser (which is a requirement for any language to be supported by LiveCodes, being a client-side only app). See this issue for details:
Also, how do we show if an algorithm exists in multiple files?
Code running in LiveCodes needs to be loaded in the editors. Depending on the language, this can be done differently. However, in JavaScript/TypeScript, modules can be imported from various sources (e.g. npm, deno, jsr, GitHub, custom modules). See docs for details:
May be I can help more if you have specific examples.
Okay. Got it. I mean if some of the files like node.js exists in a separate file. For example,
You can just import from the GitHub URL, like this:
import Node from '';
const node = new Node('hello');
If you do not want to show the full URL in code and instead use an alias (e.g. './Node'), you can use custom import maps, to map this alias to a CDN-provided URL to your file like this:
Use this as custom settings (App menu -> Custom Settings)
"imports": {
"./Node": ""
Then this code should work:
import Node from './Node';
const node = new Node('hello');
If you need to embed this playground in a web page, there is an advanced SDK (available in JS/TS, react, vue and svelte), that allows you to specify all the configurations you need and even communicate with the running playground.
I hope this answers your question. Please let me know if you have any other questions or comments.
Great work. Thank you!
I suggest adding playgrounds to allow trying out code, similar to TheAlgorithms website, which uses LiveCodes (see example).
Please allow me to introduce LiveCodes, a feature-rich, open-source, client-side, code playground that supports 80+ languages and frameworks, including JS, TS, React, Vue, Svelte, Solid, Python, Go, Ruby, PHP and others (see starter templates). The announcement post gives a general overview.
Projects can be shared, exported and deployed (to GitHub Pages). Code can be imported from many sources including GitHub.
LiveCodes is very configurable. Many of the features can be configured by query parameters
For example, to load the bubble sort algorithm from this URL:
Add it to the query parameter
like that, (also have the console open):open in LiveCodes
You may want, for example, to add links to the algorithms in the repo README like that:
Bubble Sort: implementation - playground
LiveCodes also allows running automated tests (using Jest). This feature is used by TheAlgorithms website to validate the algorithms implementation.
Playgrounds can also be embedded in any webpage, using a powerful, yet easy-to-use, SDK.
Comprehensive documentations are available with live demos, code samples and screenshots.
LiveCodes is free with unlimited usage, no ads and no account required. It can be easily self-hosted (if you want), and can be used for commercial projects (MIT license).
Disclosure: obviously, I'm the author of LiveCodes.
If you feel this can be useful, I can help getting started with providing playgrounds for the code in this repo or for other projects.
I thought you would be interested. Otherwise, please feel free to close this. Thank you.