sudo-eddy / final-project-se-csc

Group project for CSC-478
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status-discussion #7

Open sudo-eddy opened 3 years ago

sudo-eddy commented 3 years ago


We will use this ticket to discuss status reports, remember those can be resubmitted again and modified. You are more than welcome to edit these reports and resubmit. All I ask is you comment in this issue when making changes to status reports. Thanks!

Remember to pull the latest master branch using git pull origin main before working on the project, please avoid working directly in master, make a new branch and then merge it. If you're not sure, submit a merge request.

- status-report-1

- status-report-2

- [status-report-3]()

sudo-eddy commented 3 years ago

@pthom4, @Jor-ElA for the first batch of changes please run npm install again as I have updated some project dependencies

sudo-eddy commented 3 years ago

zoom link

sudo-eddy commented 3 years ago

today's meeting -