sudo-project / sudo

Utility to execute a command as another user
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how to test sudo -b? #328

Closed trackers-lover closed 11 months ago

trackers-lover commented 1 year ago

Can you tell me how to test the sudo - b parameter?

AlexBaranowski commented 11 months ago

It depends on what you want to test. The easiest way to check if this parameter works at all is to invoke some long command ex. sleep.

sudo -b sleep 15.0

Then you can check that this is running.

sudo ps aux | egrep '[s]leep'

Example output for the interactive run:

[Alex@NormandySR2 ~]$ sudo -b sleep 15.0
[Alex@NormandySR2 ~]$ ps aux | egrep '[s]leep'
root       23100  0.0  0.0 238312  5072 pts/1    S    19:09   0:00 sudo -b sleep 15.0
root       23105  0.0  0.0 220952  1792 pts/1    S    19:09   0:00 sleep 15.0
[Alex@NormandySR2 ~]$ sudo pstree -lp 23100

Finally, the whole test might require a little parsing if you want to automate it. This is simple functional test.