sudo-project / sudo

Utility to execute a command as another user
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Bugfix - Correcting NETGROUP_QUERY toggle behaviour #341

Closed AZaugg closed 6 months ago

AZaugg commented 6 months ago

When NETGROUP_BASE is defined the NETGROUP_QUERY toggle is no longer usable. Correcting this behaviour so regardless of NETGROUP_BASE being defined, users are still capable of toggling NETGROUP_QUERY, allowing a user to query netgroups directly, preserving the indended behaviour of this configuration option.

Unable to toggle netgroup_query when sudoers_base is set, breaking the intended behaviour called out by the man page

-bash-5.1# grep netgroup_query /etc/sudo-ldap.conf
netgroup_query on

sudo: ===================
sudo: uri              ldaps://
sudo: ldap_version     3
sudo: sudoers_base     ou=SUDOers,dc=example,dc=com
sudo: search_filter    (objectClass=sudoRole)
sudo: netgroup_base    ou=netgroups,dc=example,dc=com
sudo: netgroup_query   (no)                                                                                <<<<<<<<<<<<
sudo: netgroup_search_filter (&(objectClass=nisNetgroup)(!(cn=*_users)))
sudo: binddn           (anonymous)
sudo: bindpw           (anonymous)
sudo: bind_timelimit   20
sudo: timelimit        30
sudo: ssl              (no)
sudo: tls_cacertdir    /etc/openldap/cacerts
sudo: ===================
millert commented 6 months ago

The logic in that conditional was inverted, netgroup_query should be disabled when netgroup_base is not defined. This is now fixed by