sudo-project / sudo

Utility to execute a command as another user
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cvtsudoers outputs invalid JSON (selinux) #373

Closed es-fabricemarie closed 2 months ago

es-fabricemarie commented 2 months ago

Using the following sudoers file in /etc/sudoers.d/test6:

+usernetgroup,!fabrice +hostnetgroup,!localhost = ( operator1,!operator2,%wheel:operator3,!operator4,root ) \
  ROLE=selinuxRole1 TYPE=selinuxType1 \
  NOTBEFORE=2017021408Z NOTAFTER=2017021409Z \
  TIMEOUT=30s CWD=/root/cwd CHROOT=/root/chroot \

Using the command:

cvtsudoers --defaults=all --output-format=JSON --input-format=SUDOERS --output=- /etc/sudoers.d/test6

We get the following invalid JSON output:

    "User_Specs": [
            "User_List": [
                { "netgroup": "usernetgroup" },
                    "username": "fabrice",
                    "negated": true
            "Host_List": [
                { "netgroup": "hostnetgroup" },
                    "hostname": "localhost",
                    "negated": true
            "Cmnd_Specs": [
                    "runasusers": [
                        { "username": "operator1" },
                            "username": "operator2",
                            "negated": true
                        { "usergroup": "wheel" }
                    "runasgroups": [
                        { "usergroup": "operator3" },
                            "usergroup": "operator4",
                            "negated": true
                        { "usergroup": "root" }
                    "Options": [
                        { "runchroot": "/root/chroot" },
                        { "runcwd": "/root/cwd" },
                        { "command_timeout": 30 },
                        { "notbefore": "20170214080000Z" },
                        { "notafter": "20170214090000Z" },
                        { "noexec": false },
                        { "sudoedit_follow": true },
                        { "log_input": true }
                    "SELinux_Spec": [
                        "role": "selinuxRole1",
                        "type": "selinuxType1"
                    "Commands": [
                        { "command": "/bin/test102" },
                        { "command": "/usr/bin/test102" }

The SELinux_Spec options should be added as object, similarly to the options above it.

millert commented 2 months ago

In this case I think it would make more sense to just include the SELinux role and type in the options array directly. This is what is done for the LDIF and CSV conversions.

millert commented 2 months ago

That would look like this:

    "User_Specs": [
            "User_List": [
                { "netgroup": "usernetgroup" },
                    "username": "fabrice",
                    "negated": true
            "Host_List": [
                { "netgroup": "hostnetgroup" },
                    "hostname": "localhost",
                    "negated": true
            "Cmnd_Specs": [
                    "runasusers": [
                        { "username": "operator1" },
                            "username": "operator2",
                            "negated": true
                        { "usergroup": "wheel" }
                    "runasgroups": [
                        { "usergroup": "operator3" },
                            "usergroup": "operator4",
                            "negated": true
                        { "usergroup": "root" }
                    "Options": [
                        { "runchroot": "/root/chroot" },
                        { "runcwd": "/root/cwd" },
                        { "command_timeout": 30 },
                        { "notbefore": "20170214080000Z" },
                        { "notafter": "20170214090000Z" },
                        { "noexec": false },
                        { "sudoedit_follow": true },
                        { "log_input": true },
                        { "role": "selinuxRole1" },
                        { "type": "selinuxType1" }
                    "Commands": [
                        { "command": "/bin/test102" },
                        { "command": "/usr/bin/test102" }
es-fabricemarie commented 2 months ago

In this case I think it would make more sense to just include the SELinux role and type in the options array directly.

@millert agreed. Definitely makes more sense.

millert commented 2 months ago

Fixed by 7c2204d