sudo-project / sudo

Utility to execute a command as another user
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Designate per-user(group) capabilities in sudoers file #388

Open level-128 opened 1 month ago

level-128 commented 1 month ago


Enable per-user(group) Linux capabilities(7) like feature in the sudoers file. While tools like setcap exist, they do not offer the same ease of use and integration with sudo's centralized access control model. sudoers configuration allows for granular command control but currently lacks the ability to specify capabilities categories besides NOEXEC.

Proposed Feature

Extend sudoers syntax to allow specifying capabilities for commands. These commands should be carefully designed to remain compatible with other platforms and older Linux kernel versions.

Some initial considerations for possible commands:

I'm pretty unsure whether it is feasible to provide such features under different platforms and maintain high compatibility.