sudomesh / peoplesopen-front

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Explain what join the network means #7

Closed jefdaj closed 6 years ago

jefdaj commented 7 years ago

It would be cool if the "Join the network" link on the homepage went to a quick explanation of what that means in material terms. Something like "Set up a home node ($20 and half hour work), help other people set up nodes (meet on a Sunday), special bonus awesome for having a house on a hill, ..." Related to #5. There could also be a link to the map but with some context like "See current nodes/sign up for a node setup party"

jhpoelen commented 7 years ago

Related to #2 and #9 . @gcgallo @jefdaj would it make sense to merge #7 and #9 ?

paidforby commented 7 years ago

Agreed. I didn't notice that issue. Go ahead and merge them.

jhpoelen commented 7 years ago

@gcgallo said "Instead of having the "Join the Network" link jump directly to the map with no explanation, have it goto another page (or a different part of the front page) that explains a bit about the network, getting a node, setting up an antennae, making a donation, and then link to the map."

paidforby commented 6 years ago

"Join the Network" has since been redirected to Various additions have been made since that page to address @gcgallo's suggestion.

jnny commented 6 years ago

@jefdaj @paidforby added a node request form (unfortunately a googleform...) linked to from join the network, with the following text:

There are several ways to join the network, and hosting a node is one of them. Home Nodes cost $20 and are simple to flash and set up. Come to a sudomesh meeting on a Tuesday evening at the Omni Commons, or attend an upcoming workshop to to flash a Home Node with the SudoWRT firmware and take it home - if it can see another node on the network, it can share that connection and any available Internet bandwidth; if it can't, you can connect to the mesh and extend the signal by connecting it to your existing home router. Extender Nodes cost between $60-80 and operate on a higher frequency that enables us to make high-speed point-to-point links across long distance - so long as there's line of sight. If you have an available rooftop (ideally on a hill) with line of sight to one of our backbone nodes, we'll reach out to schedule a site visit and/or Sunday afternoon node mount. We're an all-volunteer group and still working out some details before we go fully and loudly public, so please be patient - or better yet, come to a workshop and join the team - or start a team of your own!