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Flow and Data for Recurring Payments Form #41

Open wrought opened 8 years ago

wrought commented 8 years ago

As described in #33 it seems some payment re-factoring is necessary. Given the proposed change of the option described in 3.i., using dynamic forms should work best with the main branches stemming from the choice of payment period:

  1. Pre-set target monthly membership rate (in settings)
  2. (Required) Drop-down select payment period (weekly, monthly, annually, etc)
    1. (Required) Reveal drop-down select payment amount with recommendations based on target rate and payment period (e.g. monthly - $10, $30, $60, Other:). Should have no default value.
      1. Selecting Other: reveals a numerical text field.
    2. ...
  3. (Optional) Check-box select: e.g. locker, snack/beverage co-op, $5 tip, and Other:
    1. (Optional) For locker, reveal drop-down select between locker types / price.
      1. Selecting Other: reveals a numerical text field.
    2. ...
  4. Display tally as total: amount (in US$).